Easter at Shore Road
March 26, 2024 at 4:48 PM
On 25 March, the students and teachers of Shore Road campus gathered before a white cross erected around the usual Celtic cross that hangs off the Macky Building. Though Saint Kentigern students wear the Celtic cross on their chest daily, the occasion afforded a greater symbol, one that would permeate their thoughts throughout the week.
Easter is cause for reflection and celebration in the Christian calendar, its message centred at the cross where Jesus, eternal Saviour and King, died for mankind so that we may live. Chaplain Rev. Reuben Hardie, talking of the cross, emphasised, “It speaks of a love that was so great, a love that died for us, a love that rose again. This is the love that this cross represents for us today.”
Girls’ School Principal Mrs Marianne Duston spoke of another Easter symbol, the delicious chocolate egg. Though loved by many as a treat on Sunday morning, she unpacked its important meaning to the story of Easter. An egg symbolises new life, just as a baby chick hatches from a shell. Through Jesus’s resurrection, He offers every person the opportunity for new life in Him – one must simply ask to receive it.
Though the service was rained out at the end, the students left happy, piling back to their classrooms to enjoy hot cross buns. The Year 1–2 boys received homemade ones lovingly prepared by Mrs Patsy Hindson and the senior food tech monitors. We hope over Easter weekend that every person who enjoyed an Easter egg or was reminded of the cross felt the love of a saviour and the hope of a new beginning.