Project Update 8
Master Plan Phase 1 Developments Building Saint Kentigern
During 2018, the Trust Board was pleased to confirm the Master Plan for significant development of new, purpose-built facilities, and enhancement of current facilities, on the Shore Road Campus and Pakuranga Campus.
Since the last issue of Piper, work has continued to progress on projects at both the Shore Road and Pakuranga Campuses, with work tracking well against all expectations, especially given the circumstances of this year. Whilst there was a hiatus in work on the Shore Road construction site early in the year, during the four weeks we were locked down at Level 4, work picked up quickly on return and despite a second period of lockdown in August, we are very pleased with the overall progress during the course of this year.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the Phase 1 Projects, please email masterplan@saintkentigern.com
Shore Road Campus
As you head towards the Shore Road Campus from Upland or Orakei Roads, the scale of the construction taking place for the two new buildings on campus is clearly evident! Both the Specialist Facilities & Senior Boys’ Classrooms building, and the new Girls’ School construction currently dominate the skyline, as cranes and scaffolding frame the development of the new buildings. As we learnt with the construction of the Jubilee Sports Centre over ten years ago, it doesn’t take long before the regrowth of foliage, once again, softens the outlines.
Shore Road Preschool
The planning phase is progressing well for the proposed construction of a new, purpose-built Preschool on the Shore Road campus. Currently, the Resource Consent application for the new building was formally lodged with Council on target at the end of October 2020. It is hoped that an outcome will be known in December 2020 or January 2021.
The single storey Preschool building reflects an innovative circular design with a central secure playground for students that will also serve to minimise noise to neighbouring residential areas. The building is designed to sit unobtrusively within the existing mature trees and vegetation. Preschool Principal, Mrs Nikki Joyce is delighted to have joined Saint Kentigern at such an exciting time for preschool education.
The New Girls’ School
The new Girls’ School construction is progressing well, despite the limitations imposed by the Covid-19 lockdowns earlier in the year. The excavation work is now complete, along with foundation works, and the structural steel ‘skeleton’ of the building is well advanced.
Girls’ School Principal, Miss Juliet Small enjoyed the opportunity to visit the site with some of the girls, under close supervision by Aspec, to view the scale of the construction from close quarters – a development Miss Small is watching with keen interest! Currently the building programme is on target to reach ‘Practical Completion’ in February 2022, with occupation expected to take place in late Term 1 or commencement of Term 2, 2022.
Specialist Facilities & Senior Boys’ Classrooms
The new Specialist Facilities & Senior Boys’ Classrooms construction is also progressing well and is now an imposing site on the upper level of the campus with the boys taking keen interest looking through inspection windows especially created for them. The building structure is complete and the roof is now on with internal framing and window frame installation progressing well. Boys’ School Principal Mr Cassie and some boys were able to tour the construction site, under close supervision by building company, Aspec, to appreciate the scale of the building and gain an understanding of how it sits within the campus. Currently the building programme is on target to reach ‘Practical Completion’ in November 2021, with occupation taking place at the start of Term 1 in February 2022.
In addition, the bus bay extension work between Gates 2 and 4 is planned for the December 2020 – February 2021 period, to take advantage of the lighter traffic on Shore Road during the school holidays. This work will support the Schools’ initiative to promote bus travel for the students rather than arriving by car.