Project Update 5
Building Saint Kentigern Masterplan Phase 1 Developments
During 2018, the Trust Board was pleased to confirm the Master Plan for significant development of new, purpose-built facilities, and enhancement of current facilities, on the Shore Road Campus and Pakuranga Campus.
Since the last issue of Piper, work has continued to progress on projects at both the Shore Road and Pakuranga Campuses, with work tracking well against expectations. With exciting plans ahead beginning to gather momentum, much of the work at this stage is about ‘enabling works’ – that is, the prior preparation in readiness for the ‘main projects’ to go ahead. If you have any questions or would like more information about the Phase 1 Projects, please email masterplan@saintkentigern.com
Pakuranga Campus
Chapel Renovation
The Chapel of Saint Kentigern has been the cornerstone of the Pakuranga campus since the 1970s. It has long been the place where the Saint Kentigern community comes together to explore the Christian values upon which the College is founded and celebrate special occasions. As well as regular Chapel services for our College students and their families, it is also a place of worship once each term for the students and families of both the Boys’ School and the Girls’ School.
Anyone driving up the Pakuranga Highway recently could not fail to notice this particular change on the Pakuranga Campus! Since the beginning of Term 4, the Chapel has been swathed in scaffolding as much needed renovation and upgrade work, to the both the interior and exterior of the iconic Chapel of Saint Kentigern, gets underway. For those who have had the chance to be escorted inside, it’s quite a sight to see the interior stripped back to the minimum!
Work is progressing according to plan and we look forward to welcoming the students back to regular Chapels at the start of 2020.
Extra Classrooms There are long-term plans in place to develop new purpose-built teaching facilities on the Pakuranga campus to accommodate anticipated roll growth. The first stage arising from the Masterplan will be the addition of a new science and general classrooms building to be located adjacent to the current Science Centre and the Jack Paine Art and Technology Centre. This will provide a further 11 teaching spaces to allow for the growing focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) subjects.
To facilitate future development, four relocatable classrooms were delivered onto campus during the October holidays. Two have been installed in the vicinity of the Jack Paine Centre and a further two near the Science Block.
Bruce House Renovations
Our youngest male boarders, who are housed in the Bruce House Quad, will be delighted to discover that when they return at the start of 2020, their ablution and showering facilities will have had a makeover! With the bathrooms having originally been installed in 1959, the latest makeover will be well-received by the boys!