Project Update 3
Master Plan Phase 1 Developments
During 2018, the Trust Board was pleased to confirm the Master Plan for significant development of new, purpose-built facilities, and enhancement of current facilities, on the Shore Road Campus and Pakuranga Campus.
This is the third in a series of regular Project Updates to keep you informed of progress as the projects get underway.
Pakuranga Campus Stage 1
Much needed renovation and upgrade work to the both the interior and exterior of the iconic Chapel of Saint Kentigern is on track to commence in Term 4, 2019, ready to welcome students again at the start of the 2020 academic year.
Bruce House
The Trust Board has approved a staged plan for upgrading the existing Bruce House Boys’ Boarding facility. Work for the upgrading of the Bruce House boys’ boarding facility has been planned in such a way as to ensure there will be no disruption to the students’ studying and living arrangements.
New Specialist Building (Pakuranga Campus Map Reference 1)
The first of the new buildings arising from the Master Plan is the addition of a new science and general classroom building to be located between the current Science Centre and the Jack Paine Art and Technology Centre. This will provide a further 11 teaching spaces to allow for the growing focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) subjects. Initial planning will begin next year followed by design and consenting. Construction is currently envisaged to commence in 2022 with completion in late 2023, ahead of occupation and use from Term 1 2024.
New Performing Arts Centre (Pakuranga Campus Map Reference 3)
In the long-term plan, a new specialist performance facility is planned for the area between the main carpark and the Sports Centre. As well as provision for staging outstanding dance, drama and musical productions, the building will also house four classrooms for specialist drama teaching. It is envisaged that this development will follow completion of the new Specialist Building.
The Wingate Block (Pakuranga Campus Map Reference 2 and 5)
Longer term, the current Macky Block and Wingate Block will be demolished to make way for a large teaching block of 20 classrooms in one block and a another 26 in a further development. These buildings will cover the area that once housed the original Reception, Senior Management and Administration offices, and the former staffroom. This will house a Senior School Learning Commons, Commerce, Maths, Languages and Christian Education as well as Mungo’s Uniform Shop. Work is anticipated to start in 2028.
A link to the map of the proposed, concept Master Plan for the Pakuranga Campus can be found at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the Phase 1 Projects, please send an email to masterplan@saintkentigern.com.