Project Update 10
Master Plan Phase 1 Developments
During 2018, the Trust Board was pleased to confirm the Master Plan for significant development of new, purpose-built facilities, and enhancement of current facilities, on the Shore Road Campus and Pakuranga Campus.
The growth of Saint Kentigern’s facilities across three campuses has been an ongoing process for over 65 years, keeping pace with continued roll growth and the changing needs of our students and their families. The latest building campaign, outlined in the Masterplan for the Shore Road Campus (available to view on our website), is the most ambitious building project ever undertaken by Saint Kentigern, with the initial phase is focussed on advancing the construction of a brand-new Girls’ School and building new Specialist Facilities for use by both primary schools, along with the building of new classrooms for the Senior School boys. In addition, preparation work for the building of a new Preschool at Shore Road is also underway.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the Phase 1 Projects, please email masterplan@saintkentigern.com
The New Girls’ School
Unfortunately, for the second year in a row, construction was halted during the period Auckland was in Alert Level 4. Up to that point, the project was tracking well towards its originally anticipated completion date.
Work safely resumed when Auckland moved to Alert Level 3, allowing the construction company to return to work onsite. However, the net effect of the Lockdown has meant that the final completion date has been pushed back but it is anticipated that the new Saint Kentigern Girls’ School will be open for business early in Term 2, 2022. Excitement is certainly mounting at the Girls’ School as they prepare for this historic move!
Specialist Facilities & Senior Boys’ Classrooms
Like the new Girls’ School, the final stages of this building was put on hold during Alert Level 4. Work recommenced as soon as some of the restrictions were lifted at Level 3, allowing work to continue apace.
The period of Lockdown pushed back the date for practical completion but it is still anticipated that this will be achieved this year, barring another full Lockdown, and we will have access prior to Christmas to begin setting up the specialist and new senior boys’ classrooms in readiness for occupation from the start of Term 1, 2022.
The boys have been alongside a construction site for the better part of the last two years and have had the advantage of seeing the new facilities take shape – and what an amazing sight the new building makes on campus!
Once the senior boys have moved to their new classrooms, the plan is to refurbish the existing Senior School for the Middle School boys. We anticipate work on this occurring between January and April next year – subject to Covid!
Shore Road Preschool
The Trust Board signed the construction contract for the new Shore Road Preschool in midAugust, with Aspec Construction selected as the successful contractor. Early access was arranged for 17 August - the very same day that the government announced the Lockdown! Work resumed in Level 3, with clearing of the site underway ready to commence construction. We currently anticipate completion by the end of 2022, with the doors opened in January 2023. Another cause for excitement!