We aim to develop confidence and instil a love of physical activity. Our programme focuses on developing technical skills stamina, agility, coordination, and balance, while building skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, discipline, and resilience.
Our School has exceptional sporting facilities and a teaching and coaching staff to match. Opened during the 50th Jubilee ceremonies in 2009, the Jubilee Sports Centre provides facilities that are unparalleled in most primary schools.
Along with a large gymnasium with retractable seating, there is an additional classroom space and an outdoor Astro-Turf that doubles for hockey in winter and tennis in summer.
The Jubilee Sports Centre borders substantial sand-based playing fields for rugby in the winter and touch rugby in the summer with access to further fields across the road for football and cricket. The venue also has a function room for after-match refreshments.
The School has a heated outdoor swimming pool and learners’ pool in a leafy setting central to the campus. Heating the pool ensures that we can maximise the summer swimming season to ensure all our boys develop crucial swimming and water safety skills from an early age.
Within the PE programme, all boys are taught essential skills to develop strength, stamina, agility and balance while engaging seasonally in swimming, gymnastics, athletics, cross country and ball skills relative to the major codes.
Boys from Years 5 to 8 choose a winter and summer sport for competitive engagement with neighbouring schools where combining a boy’s personal best in a strong and positive team culture is the focus.
The main choices are: rugby, football and hockey in winter; cricket, tennis, touch rugby and softball in summer.
In addition, there is optional involvement in Flippa Ball, mini polo and water polo, touch rugby and basketball from as early as Year 2.
Our senior students are offered further options in golf, sailing, windsurfing, bowls, rock climbing, trampolining and scuba diving.
Our senior 1st division teams have the opportunity to go on tour both within and beyond New Zealand to extend their horizons and meet new challenges.
Teams regularly travel for an exchange with Southwell School in Hamilton, with trips further afield to Christchurch, and Wellington in recent years. We also compete in the AIMS Games in Mount Maunganui with various teams.
During Terms 2 and 3 boys get to experience five of the eight options. Badminton, Table Tennis, Basketball, Team Challenges, Golf, Bowls, Rock Climbing and Trampolining are offered as a rotation in the wintertime to Years 7 to 8 boys .
Sports Codes
All boys participate at their level on school athletic days, The events have a House focus where all boys win points for their House. Top athletes compete at Zone Athletic meets. Athletics is held in Term 4.
Badminton/Table Tennis
Badminton/Table Tennis
Badminton and table tennis are offered to Middle and Senior School students. Games are played either in the Jubilee Sports Centre or at Gilles Ave during Wednesday Senior their given sports time.
Basketball is offered to Junior, Middle and Senior students. Games are played outside school hours, usually on Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons in the Jubilee Sports Centre. Basketball practices are taken after school before their games by Eastern Bays Basketball.
In the Middle School, we select Years 5 and 6 teams. In the Senior School we select cricket XIs based on ability. The number of teams ranges from 4 to 6 in the Senior School. The 1st XI Cricket runs during Term 1 at the beginning of Term 4 .
Year 3 to 6 cross country is held at Saint Kentigern College. Year 0 to 2 is held at the Marytn Wilson Field across the road from Palmers Garden World. All students in the School are expected to compete in these events. The top runners go on to compete in the cross-country zones.
Flippa Ball and Mini Polo
Flippa Ball and Mini Polo
Flippa Ball and Mini Polo are mini version of Water Polo. Boys in Years 3, 4, and 5 play Flippa Ball, and Year 6 play Mini Polo in a competition at Diocesan and St Cuthbert pools. There is a practice session once a week in the evenings held at Sacred Heart Pools and the Y at Glen Innes. The competition is run on a Sunday.
Football is offered to Middle and Senior School students. In the Middle School, teams are selected from boys in Year 5 and 6 boys. In the Senior School, football teams are selected from Year 7 and 8 boys. They play against various local schools every week and enter zone tournaments. Football runs during Term 2 and 3.
Golf is offered to Senior School students on a Wednesday afternoon and is played at the Ellerslie Racecourse Driving Range and Golf Course. Boys can bring their own clubs. The School also has some sets available.
Hockey is offered to Middle and Senior School students. In the Middle School teams are selected from Year 5 and 6 students. In the Senior School teams are selected from Year 7 and 8 students. They play against various local schools every week and enter zone tournaments. Hockey runs during Term 2 and 3.
Rugby is offered to Middle School and Senior School students. In the Middle School, the teams are selected from the students in Years 5 and 6. Rugby teams are selected on ability in the Senior School from both Years 7 and 8. Rugby runs during Term 2 and 3.
It is traditional that the School enters an Optimist sailing team each year in the Eastern Zone Sailing Regatta. This is for Year 7 and 8 boys and is usually held in Term 4.
Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving
Scuba diving is offered as an option to Senior School students at Parnell Baths. All gear is supplied as part of the cost or boys may bring their own gear.
Softball is offered to Middle School and Senior School students. In the Middle School, the teams are selected from the students in Years 5 and 6. Softball teams are selected on ability in the Senior School from both Years 7 and 8. Softball runs during Term 1 and the beginning of Term 4.
Swimming is taught during class lessons during an eight-to-ten-week season in Term 1 and weather-dependent in Term 4. During the swimming season, all boys are expected to compete in the School swimming competitions. Separate swimming events are run which allow for all students to be involved. The top swimmers from the championship events then go on to compete at the zone swimming sports.
In the Middle School, we select two Year 5 and 6 teams. In the Senior School, we select an A and B team. During term 4, the School runs a tennis competition for each year level from Years 4 to 8.
Touch Rugby
Touch Rugby
Touch Rugby is offered to Middle School and Senior School students. In the Middle School, the teams are selected from the students in Years 5 and 6. Touch Rugby teams are selected on ability in the Senior School from both Years 7 and 8. They play against various local schools every week. Touch Rugby training runs during Term 1 only.
Water Polo
Water Polo
Water Polo is offered to all boys in the Senior School and is played at Diocesan and St Cuthberts on Friday evenings and Sundays, in a local competition. There is also a practice session once a week in the mornings. The School also enters into three Water polo tournaments in the latter half of the year.
Windsurfing is offered to Senior School students on a Wednesday afternoon at Lake Pupuke. All gear is supplied as part of the cost or boys may bring their own gear.
Boys from Year 3 to 8 can attend the Schools Alpine Competition held at the Remarkables in Queenstown in Term 3. Both skiing and snowboarding are available.