Our school provides quality education that meets the needs and learning styles of boys at every stage of their development from Years 0 – 8. Each student is inspired and encouraged to excel both inside and outside the classroom.
Students enter our gate with talents and it is our responsibility to provide an environment where these can be identified, nurtured, and then extended.
Our boys are expected to perform at the highest level in a progressive, innovative educational setting where competition and physicality are encouraged, excellence is achieved, and success is acknowledged.
By pushing their personal limits they can achieve at a high level and realise their potential.
True to the Saint Kentigern Trust’s founding values, we provide a caring and supportive environment where boys can explore what it means to be boys. These values guide their everyday lives, developing young men who are respectful, and know who they are, where they come from, and their role in the community. We want our boys, your sons, to become global citizens and future leaders of their communities, fully prepared and confident, with the necessary resilience to meet the challenges they will face in a rapidly changing world. We are fortunate to have a dedicated faculty committed to supporting and encouraging your son to reach his potential in all aspects of his development.
We invite you and your family to visit our excellent facilities and meet our team to explore the difference we can make in your son's educational journey.
Fides Servanda Est.
Peter Cassie
Boys' School Principal
Our Team
Our Boys’ School Senior Managers and Deans represent best-in-field teachers and leaders who are qualified and passionate in their areas of expertise. We are committed to creating an environment that is built on benevolence, generosity, and a spirit of service to prepare every student for their best life. Our commitment extends to the ongoing professional development of our team and our vision of being one of the great schools of the world.
Boys' School Leadership Team
Peter Cassie
Richard Kirk
BA, BEd, MEd
Jarred Wilson
Louise Miles
BEd, HDipEd
Rev Reuben Hardie
MRel (Hons), BCom, BTheol, Dip Min, Dip Tchg
School Deans
Geoff Brown
BSc, GradDipTchg, PGDipEd
Graham Knox
BEd, DipTchg
Emily Cooper
BBS, MTchg, GradDip
Candace Barnes
BSc, PGDipEd
Steve Aucamp
Catherine Linnell
BEd (Hons), BPrimEd
Heads of Department and Directors
Dan Foggo
BSocSc,GradDip Techg,MAEd
Andrew Vicars
Duncan Grant
BEd, DipTchg
Georgina Jarvis
BA, LLB, GradDipTchng, PGDipEd, ATCL
Catherine Linnell
BEd (Hons), BPrimEd
David Hessey
TC, Dip Maths Ed, Bus Dip, HRMGT
Justin Jones
Francoise Sassin
Jessica McGuinness
Tom Barter
BFArts, DipTchg
Mark Fitness
BSLS, DipTchg
Deans of Houses
Teresa De Vries
BMus,DipTchg(Sec), MMus
Anton Lorenzon
Sam Mackarell
Patsy Hindson
MEd(Hons), BEd
ERO Report
We are proud to receive positive feedback from the regular ERO (Education Review Office) reports. These reports consistently reinforce the exceptional quality of our programmes, the strong rapport shared between our dedicated staff and students, and the high morale and sense of wellbeing that permeates each of our campuses. It's a testament to our commitment to excellence in education and nurturing a positive and thriving environment.