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Boys' School

Year 8 Leavers' Tie Presentation 2020

16 November 2020

Year 8 Leavers' Tie Presentation 2020

November 16, 2020 at 2:21 PM

The Boys’ School gathered this morning to make the first of their farewells to the soon-to-graduate Year 8 boys, at a special Chapel held in their honour. 

The focus of the morning was to present the boys with their Leavers’ Ties; one that they will wear for the remaining formal functions of the year. As the Year 3 boys are also graduating from Junior to Middle School, the presentation of the tie is a privilege reserved for them. One by one the classes came forward and the Year 3s made their presentation and finished with a firm hand shake.

In acknowledging the boys, Chaplain, Reverend Reuben Hardie said, ‘You all came to the school with gifts and talents and we hope that during your time here, you have used your gifts wisely and further developed your talents ready for your next stage in life. You leave this school having had an incredible start to life and it is our hope that as you move on, you use your gifts to bless the communities you serve. Leave knowing that you will always be a son of Kentigern.’

The graduating Year 8 students can be proud of their achievements. They have represented the School with pride in all areas of endeavour and this has been done with the right spirit, values and attitude, which will serve them well. It takes courage to step up to new challenges and as they move from being leaders of their current school to amongst the youngest at their new college, with a new set of expectations placed upon them, they will adapt and thrive if they heed all they have learned at the Boys’ School.

The boys will be formally farewelled at their Leavers’ Dinner later in the term, but in the meantime, there is still plenty of excitement ahead as they join their peers in a multitude of activities to finish the year!