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Year 7 Welcomes Grandparents

19 November 2018

Year 7 Welcomes Grandparents

November 19, 2018 at 11:03 AM

It’s a special time of the year when our Year 7 students welcome their grandparents to College to share their place of learning – a morning to spend time with their grandchildren and see a Saint Kentigern education in action.

The grandparents were greeted by Year 10 student leaders who guided them to the Year 13 common room for a moment to relax and enjoy morning tea. Head of Middle College, Mr Duncan McQueen, welcomed our guests before quickly establishing that age and distance were no barrier for the grandparents – some had travelled from as far as South Africa and others were into their 90s! Mr McQueen thanked the grandparents for coming along, assuring them of the important role they play in their grandchildren’s lives. ‘The wisdom you share is most important,’ he said.

In the meantime, the students were waiting patiently outside, looking smart in their formals, eager to meet their loved ones. Wide smiles and tight embraces showed the bond between generations as the students ran to meet them. With connections made, the grandparents were escorted to the Elizabeth MacFarlan Centre where each class had planned a presentation, from musical performances to videos, examples of schoolwork, sports reports and quizzes. Some interviewed their grandparents with a set of questions about their education such as, ‘What was your favourite and least favourite subject at school?’ Despite the generation gap, it appeared the grandparents hadn’t been left behind as they flipped out the latest gadgets to record the events as they unfolded.

Following on, the students took their grandparents on a tour of the campus before heading to the Sports Centre for Middle College assembly. A tradition at all formal Saint Kentigern events, the Pipes & Drums played as grandparents and students entered. It was a proud moment for the performing arts students who received badges during assembly for their commitment and effort to their co-curricular activities. At the conclusion, the Middle College Jazz Band entertained as guests and students departed to share lunch.

We thank all the grandparents who came along and shared the wonderful day with their grandchildren – we hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we did!