Year 7 Science Fair
Year 7 Science Fair
July 31, 2017 at 11:34 AM
It was a point of difference that caught the judges’ attention at this year’s Year 7 Science Fair. While experiments including sugary foods and consumer science proved popular, standout projects ranged from smoking points of various cooking oils and toxins in water, to a bird buffet and earthquake proofing skyscrapers.
After observing the birds in her home garden, Bella Franicevic wanted to find out what colour bird seed our backyard birds are more attracted to. By doing so, Bella’s ‘Bird Buffet’ won top project!
In Bella’s hypothesis, she predicted that birds would be influenced by colour when selecting their food. She also stated that when selecting a bird seed she believed they would be attracted to more vibrant colours such as yellow and red like garden flowers.
The results were a surprise for Bella, she said ‘Birds are not attracted to the brighter colours as I thought they were going to be.’ Bella discovered that they seemed to be influenced by colour, in the way that given the choice, initially the majority went for natural colour bird seed, particularly the seed feeders. She also observed that every time the birds started on a new colour feed, it was a finch that jumped to the new colour first and other birds then followed.
Each project had to meet strict criteria including; questions identified by the hypothesis stated, a cause and effect identified and predicted, experiments devised (methods, variables, results/data), and evidence for originality and innovation.
The projects were adjudicated by staff from the Middle College Science department based on the thoroughness of the scientific methods and the level of thought and understanding.
Head of Middle College Science, Mr Gerard Hodgson said, ‘Bella’s project showed a comprehensive study had taken place, allowing her to reach a valid and reliable answer based on her data. It was collected with accuracy and the control of other variables that may have affected her outcomes. Her presentation was clear allowing for effective communication of the understanding she had gained.’
Well done to all the Year 7 students on their intriguing projects and especially to those students below who have been selected to participate at the NIWA Regional Science Fair.
Top Project:
Bird Buffet - Bella Franicevic
Highly Commended:
Wash Out – Neela Patel
Shake Rattle and Roll – Mathilde Peace
Nail Hell – Ayaana patel
Tamaki tiny Toxins – Luke Franich
Don’t Spoil the Oil – Finn Mayer