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Boys' School

Year 7 & 8 AIMS Week

19 September 2013

Year 7 & 8 AIMS Week

September 19, 2013 at 1:28 PM

DSC_1137.JPGThis week is the highlight of the Year 7 and 8 sporting calendar as the annual NZCT AIMS games are played out between intermediate-age sports teams from around the country down in Tauranga.

Representing Saint Kentigern are 81 students in 8 teams across 6 codes from the three campuses.

A big congratulations to the Year 7 & 8 Boys Football team who played their way through pool play that included 40 teams, to make it to the semi-finals against Tauranga Intermediate. Tauranga had the edge, winning 1-0 but this was an outstanding achievement for this young team who have really risen above the ranks in their strength of play during the games to attain such fantastic results. They now go on to play off for 3rd or 4th place in the country.

Representing golf, we can report that young golfer, Tommy Lu from the Boys’ School at the end of Day 3 was 12 shots ahead after 2 rounds and we are awaiting results of further play.

In swimming, we have two bronze medals, one for Olivia Overfield from the Girls’ School in the 200m swimming backstroke and another for Josh Harford in the 100m breaststroke.

Well done to all the students taking part!