Year 6 Boys’ School Camp
Year 6 Boys’ School Camp
March 28, 2019 at 4:33 PM
With thanks to Year 6 teacher, Mr Andrew Wright
The day of the long-anticipated camp to Kaueranga Valley, just inland from Thames on the Coromandel Peninsula, arrived and the Year 6 boys clambered aboard the bus for ready to be challenged in the outdoors. They were very excited to learn of the activities they had ahead of them: kayaking, go-karting, BMX riding and archery to name a few.
But first, a significant challenge awaited them, the hike! They hiked up the Waitewheta Tramway Track in blistering heat, carrying all they needed for their overnight stay in the DOC hut. For some boys, the magnitude of this challenge was immense whilst for other, it was their chance to shine. But with support and encouragement from one another, each boy completed the challenge and the sense of achievement was huge!
Then it was time to head back to the camp to enjoy new activities, shared dorms and the legendary slip & slide, a giant mud slide which the boys, staff and parents alike all thoroughly enjoyed.
What did our boys think?
Josh Motion describing the beginning of the hike.
‘When we got into the forest, we could hear the birds chirping, the water gushing and the leaves rustling.’
Nicholas Webster describing the descent from the hike.
‘On the way back down, all kids were without a frown because for every up there is of course a down.’
Ben Worrell describing the slip and slide.
‘I shot down the slide with great momentum. I flew in the air and splatted down in water and cow pats! I smelt disgusting!’