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Year 13 Students Farewelled

28 October 2015

Year 13 Students Farewelled

October 28, 2015 at 2:56 PM

This year’s cohort of more than 300 Year 13s spent a final morning at the College, firstly attending Chapel where they were welcomed into the ranks of the Old Collegians by President of the Association, Mr Andrew Morgan. Fellow Old Collegians, Tim Wylie (2006) and former Head Girl Sharnika Leleni (2013) spoke of how the Old Collegian network can assist its members as they embark on university study and professional careers, and of how important it is to remain connected to the invisible thread that binds those who have attended Saint Kentigern. The students were then piped to the Sports Centre by fellow Year 13 students Pipe Major Byron Lam and Nathan Walker.

In what is now a firmly entrenched ritual, first instigated by the students in 2012, the Year 13s organised themselves into a giant 2015 on the field for an aerial photo. After having their group photo taken, the students captured an endless number of their own images of their friends and schoolmates as they made their way up to the Sports Centre Lounge to enjoy a substantial brunch. The boys received their Old Collegian’s ties and the girls their tartan scarves, which they are all encouraged to wear to their final formal function of the year, the Graduation Dinner in December.

For now, we wish our departing Year 13s all the very best as they take advantage of these last few days of study leave in preparation for their final exams.