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Year 13 One Act Plays

16 June 2016

Year 13 One Act Plays

June 12, 2015 at 3:19 PM

The Jack Paine Centre was the venue for this week’s Year 13 One Act Plays, presented as part of their NCEA Level 3 Drama assessment.

Each year our senior drama classes perform their assessment pieces to an audience in the intimate setting of the ‘JPC,’ an open space that lends itself particularly well to these short, often edgy productions that push the boundaries for the students and audience alike.

The five one act plays, a mix of student and staff directed productions, were presented across two nights with themes as far ranging as the spiralling life of crime to the conundrum faced when you’re home alone and a green alien falls through your ceiling!

With minimal props and costuming, the drama was stripped bare to place the focus on the actors and their stage craft; their ability to not only deliver their lines but to use complex dramatic skills to fully engage their audience.

Well done to the Year 13’s for two great nights of entertainment.

Alice in Wonderland
Wednesday 5 August – Saturday 8 August
7pm, Elliot Hall
Tickets will be on sale at the start of Term 3 

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