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Year 13 Leavers Brunch 2019

29 October 2019

Year 13 Leavers Brunch 2019

October 29, 2019 at 11:06 AM

Friday marked the Year 13 cohort’s official last day of College - the last day spent at school before exams and before the students move into the next chapter of their lives. Many happy and some nervous faces streamed into Elliot Hall for their last assembly.

The students heard from the Old Collegians Association President, Hayden Butler and previous Head Girl, Laura Porteous - who spoke about the endless opportunities that the students will encounter, and the importance of staying connected with the Saint Kentigern community. To conclude the formalities, Senior College Principal, Mrs Suzanne Winthrop wished the students the best of luck on their journey before the staff Kapa Haka group gave their blessing in performing the Haka.

Following this, the students were piped to the top field by Year 13 students, Kate Pennycuick, Fayth Doherty, Alice Smith and Andrew Sterritt where they created a human ‘2019.’ Once completed, the students moved on to Bruce House to share a final brunch together. It was heart-warming to see many Middle College Students cheering and waving from the classroom windows as the Year 13s made their exit.

We wish our Year 13 students all the best as they move into the next chapter of their lives. Fides Servanda Est.