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Boys' School

Year 0-3 Boys Right on Track

30 November 2022

Year 0-3 Boys Right on Track

November 30, 2022 at 1:55 PM

With the sun blaring and a bus ride of building anticipation, when the Year 0 to 3 boys jumped off the bus at Llyod Elsmore Athletics Track, they were ready to get stuck into the day’s activities. It has been a little while since running an athletics event, so we were thrilled to be back at the track for our youngest Olympians in the making.

Junior School athletics aims to introduce our boys to the movements of competitive Track and Field, mixing in some fun events for a packed morning of moving. We had three events that were ‘competitive’ for house points: long jump, tennis ball throw, and a 50m, 75m, or 100m sprint, depending on the year group. We also had sack races, egg and spoon relays, and discuss throw.

We would like to congratulate the following boys for their outstanding effort on the day in claiming overall year group champions.

Year 0

1st        Justin Zhao

2nd       Oscar Southam

3rd        Jackson Greenslade

Year 1

1st        Finn Bowkett

2nd        Cooper Burrows

3rd          Kristof  Verissimo


Year 2

1st         Axl Yan

2nd       Jake Gilbert

3rd        Conrad Kirkham


Year 3

1st        James Bruford

2nd       Allen Liu

3rd        Jack Stephens and Felix Newland


Seeing the boys give everything a go with grit and determination was awesome. It wasn’t a student-only event, though, as some spritely parents got in on the action. We had some great sack and egg and spoon races with the children as cheerleaders in a hilarious role reversal. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to come to enjoy the sunshine and a healthy dose of competition with us! We also thank our Director of Sport Mr Duncan Grant and the PE Department for organising such a smoothly run event.