A Word From Our Student Leaders
A Word From Our Student Leaders
April 02, 2020 at 4:31 PM
Once Alert Level 4 was announced to come into effect at midnight on Wednesday 25 March, Saint Kentigern’s Distance Learning programme swung into action and now, across the campuses, we have almost 3000 students, supported by 240 teachers, all studying and working from home.
Over the course of last week, we received a good deal of feedback from our parents, with much of it thanking our staff for the way Distance Learning has rolled out across the age groups, acknowledging that, just as our students are learning in extraordinary circumstances from a ‘bubble’, our teachers are also teaching in extraordinary circumstances from a ‘bubble’ – all with their own family dynamics to attend to. Where we may have fallen short, we have made every attempt to address this, to get it right for our students.
During an early morning staff briefing this week, our Head Prefects, Lulu Denholm and Will Bason, and their Deputies, Olivia Brewster and Hayden Joyce, were invited to dial into a meeting that convened almost 180 teaching staff, to feedback their thoughts about Distance Learning on behalf of their fellow students.
The four students each had a turn to speak and each had a similar message to convey – that despite this being a ‘tricky and uncertain time for everyone,’ they were truly grateful for the work that had been done to allow them to continue their schooling.
Lulu began by saying, ‘From what we've heard, the students are really enjoying this online learning system and the new creative ways we are being taught information.’
The students would like to say a huge thank you for:
- Being so calm and such a huge support in helping us navigate through this time
- For the extra behind the scenes work you do to make online school possible
- For communicating with the students so well
- This must be a really busy time for you, but the work you are doing is definitely making a huge difference
- The students appreciate the work you are putting in to make sure we still get our learning done
- While I found adapting to online schooling difficult at first, I have found it awesome learning about the different ways that teachers are teaching us
- I found that carrying on with school has been a good way to keep my days busy and it sure does make the days go by quicker!
- I just wanted to congratulate every single one of you for your commitment and perseverance with all of your students. This work doesn't go unnoticed.
- You guys are amazing, and your students are so appreciative of all you are doing for us!
- Now that I am in the swing of learning online, I really appreciate it, and am enjoying having schoolwork to do
Olivia offered some good advice, ‘It is a scary time, but we are all in this together. It is also a good time to rest up, spend time with your families and even get out a good old game of Monopoly!’
Lulu concluded with, ‘This time is about learning, growing and supporting one another.’
Those are wise words, Lulu, as we all adapt to changing circumstances that affect us all in different ways. Supporting, caring and having respect for one another now and in the days to come is more important than ever.
Later in the day, Lulu also spoke at the full College virtual assembly. You can hear Lulu’s positive message here: https://youtu.be/4DY64PIkbOU