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Boys' School

Wonky Donkey Author Delights Junior Boys

18 May 2021

Wonky Donkey Author Delights Junior Boys

May 18, 2021 at 1:15 PM

What only has three legs and one eye, likes to listen to country music, is quite tall and slim, and smells really, really bad? A stinky, dinky, lanky, honky tonky, winky, wonky donkey of course! Armed with his guitar and a number of puppets, well-known children’s author and singer-songwriter, Craig Smith delighted our Junior School boys when he visited the Boys’ School.

Singing from his repertoire of humorous and catchy songs, Mr Smith performed all his children’s books, starting with the absolute favourite ‘The Wonky Donkey.’ The boys enjoyed joining in on the actions and singing along, with some students assisting Mr Smith by being a puppeteer. This book has always been popular in New Zealand but shot to international fame when a video of a giggling Scottish grandmother, reading the book to her grandson, went viral! Sales of the book now top almost six million worldwide, it has been translated into several languages and given Mr Smith the opportunity to tour extensively overseas.

After the performance of all his key books, Mr Smith opened the floor for a question and answers session. Even though these were our youngest students, they had well thought out queries such as, ‘How many books have been made into songs?’ The boys learnt that it is ‘the other way around’ – Mr Smith writes many songs but only some are made into books. Other questions asked about illustrations, where he lived and which was his first book. Most assume it was ‘The Wonky Donkey’ but it was actually ‘Willbee the Bumblebee’ – a book he wrote in conjunction with his mother.

The interactive show was full of fun, energy and much laughter; the boys were well behaved and respectful, and were clearly delighted by the visit! Thank you, Mr Smith!