Wirihana Cup Returned!
Wirihana Cup Returned!
November 24, 2016 at 1:25 PM
With thanks to student reporter, Regan Nash, Year 8
It was a very determined Boys’ School 1st XI that set out on a very hot and sunny evening, last Friday, to try and win back the Wirihana Cup from the Old Collegians.
The cup was first played for in 1961 and this was a feature on the calendar until the cup went missing some years later. When it resurfaces in 2012, it was ‘game on!’ Each subsequent year, the former cricket players from the Boys’ School have been invited back to school for a challenge match and barbecue always played with a dose of good fun.
This year, the Boys' School team wanted revenge for the loss last year and there was a definite air of confidence in the team!
Year 8 student, Regan Nash was excited to be playing against his two older brothers - Harrison and Mitchell who had both captained the 1st XI at school. Charles Wilkes was playing against his brother Edward and father, Paul.
Batting first the Boys' School scored in excess of 200 runs with a consistent batting effort from everyone. Fronting for the Old Collegians, Principal, Mr Peter Cassie struggled as wicket keeper at times – preferring to use a softball mitt than cricket ‘wicki’ gloves. Not really cricket! Umpire, Deputy Head, Mr Grayson Aspinall, made some ‘interesting’ but the boys thought ‘very fair’ calls! No surprises whose side he was on! The Old Collegians were automatically out if they hit a 6 - and many fell to this trap!
With great fielding and bowling from the boys, the older players were soon out with lots of runs needed. The Boys’ School 1st XI achieved their aim, bringing back the Wirihana Cup to its rightful place in the trophy cabinet on Shore Road!
Our thanks to Old Collegian, Peter Nelson, for his fabulous BBQ expertise, and to the returning Old Collegians and the parents for their support.