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Girls' School

Win at Remuera Lions Speechmakers Competition

12 November 2020

Win at Remuera Lions Speechmakers Competition

November 12, 2020 at 3:47 PM

Following the Girls’ School Speech Finals held at the beginning of Term 4, Year 8 student Ada Hu represented Saint Kentigern at the Remuera Lions Speechmakers Competition. Held on November 10, Ada presented her speech, ‘The uncommon common sense’ with confidence and did the Girls’ School proud, winning first place and the Sir Dove-Myer Robinson Memorial Trophy.

Throughout her speech, Ada encouraged her listeners to stop regretting and to live with passion. She engaged with her audience, presented a clear message, and backed it up with research. She revealed that ‘75% of people feel regret related to their ideal self and when asked to name their biggest regret, 76% of people named an action not taken, that would’ve perhaps, ‘pulled them to their ideal path’.’

She concluded her speech by sharing advice and giving her audience reassurance that they don’t need to be perfect, that we make mistakes and that we need to forgive ourselves and ‘make decisions with enthusiasm, breathe with fire and live life with passion.’

Year 6 student Brooke Rowntree also presented her speech, ‘The hidden power of music’. Brooke gave an insight into how listening to music helps your mood, brain function and overall performance. Although Brooke did not place, she did a fantastic job and presented with great poise. 

Well done girls!