Welcome Fellow Leaders!
Welcome Fellow Leaders!
July 30, 2015 at 3:14 PM
Today our College prefects welcomed their fellow leadership teams from the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools to a shared lunch in the Sports Centre Lounge at the College. Despite the wide age gap, it only took a few moments before they were all chatting like old friends!
Head Boy of the College, Oliver Hadfield warmly welcomed the guests and congratulated them on having being chosen as prefects. He encouraged them to think about the role they play within their schools and to continue to develop their leadership skills throughout life.
Oliver also said that he could speak from experience having come from the Boys’ School himself. The prospect of moving on to a much bigger college from a smaller school can often feel daunting so this provided an opportunity for the younger visitors to tour the campus with College students and discover for themselves the friendly support.
College Chapel prefect, Jessica Allen said Grace before the students sat down in House groups to enjoy lunch. This was followed by a general knowledge quiz led by Jessica and College Head Girl, Grace Wood. No matter which Saint Kentigern campus a student hails from, there will always be friendly rivalry when Cargill, Chalmers, Hamilton and Wishart are pitted against one another. Questions such as ‘What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?’ and ‘Which can run faster, an elephant, a squirrel or a mouse?’ were designed to encourage engagement and there was plenty of lively banter from the tables as the Houses vied for precious points!
Deputy Head Girl from the Girls’ School, Zara Smith and Boys’ School Head Boy, Michael Hiddleston both offered their thanks on behalf of their leadership teams before setting off back to school.
And in case you’re wondering, a giraffe’s tongue is best described as black, blue or purple; the dark coloration to protect it from frequent sun exposure while eating, and an elephant can outrun both a squirrel and a mouse!