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Welcome Back - We Missed You!

18 May 2020

Welcome Back - We Missed You!

May 18, 2020 at 2:46 PM

Today the buses streamed back into the College and students on all our campuses returned to school. We are so pleased to see you!

Our staff are so excited to see their students in person again!
The classrooms have been deep cleaned on each campus and are ready for teaching and learning.
Best practice hygiene measures are in place across the campuses.
The grounds are spotless.
The students are here!
Let’s do this!

It’s 63 days since we first sent a message home to say that our schools would close at the end of the day on Monday 23 March, following the Prime Minister’s announcement that the country was preparing for Covid-19 Alert Level 4.

Of the seven weeks in Lockdown, five of them were in term time and Saint Kentigern wasted no time starting their teaching and learning programme. From Day 1, lessons got underway from hundreds and hundreds of ‘bubbles’ across Auckland and beyond. From Preschool to Year 13, our students were engaged in their daily teaching and learning programmes and we were hugely impressed by their resilience and ability to adapt. Our focus was on ensuring that our students and staff stayed connected and every effort was made to do just that. This was a time of learning for all, as students, staff and parents alike worked through the challenges of isolation and settled into routines that best suited their own households. 

Again, we especially wish to thank our parents for the part they have played in keeping their sons and daughters on track with their learning, and we acknowledge their support and feedback. We have always known the importance of having a true three-way partnership between our young people, their home and their place of learning and the weeks in Lockdown served to strengthen this. We thank our parents for their understanding and encouragement as we worked through best practice - in a situation that had never been practised before! The constructive comments kept us on our toes, ready to adapt, respond and learn. The positive comments and praise from so many of our parents meant the world to us. 

Our ‘team of 5 million’ pulled together across the country to achieve a collective goal. Our own ‘team’ - our extended Saint Kentigern community - also pulled together to make the best of challenging circumstances and it has been wonderful to witness the strength that has grown between us and experience the special feeling of belonging and connectedness between us. Jacinda Ardern urged all New Zealanders to ‘be kind’ and this has been borne out many times over in our own community.

Today the laughter, activity, busyness and social engagement has returned to our campuses. In questioning our students during Lockdown, without question, the one thing they missed over and above everything else was the social interaction that being at school allows. At last that day has come!

 The last word goes to a parent at the Boys’ School who sent Principal, Mr Cassie a letter…..of resignation!


Dear Peter

Please accept this letter as confirmation of my resignation as a home-schooling parent. I’ve enjoyed this position, however, it is time for a new challenge! 

Thank you to all of my son’s teachers for the robust online learning programme delivered during Lockdown.  After an initial few teething problems, getting our heads around how it all worked, I was very impressed by the effort the teachers have put into delivering the curriculum and for their continued online support and availability. 

A special mention and a huge thank you goes to our son’s teacher, who has twice-daily logged on to support his learning and has been invaluable to us. 

You all deserve a medal for continuing to provide the very best in education under such trying times. 

Kind regards,
Year 6 parent