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Boys' School

A View from Above

20 March 2018

A View from Above

March 20, 2018 at 2:57 PM

When studying the unique and special features of our city of Auckland, what better way to get an overview that to see it from above.  Our boys in Year 1 got a special birds-eye view of the city below when they whizzed to the top of the Sky Tower by high speed lift. 

The boys’ current social studies enquiry is considering ‘where we are in place and time’ with a central idea ‘that all places on earth have special features’ and a focus on looking at ‘how features change over time.’ 

Prompted by the recent renovations to Roselle House, the boys first looked at how the School has changed since opening 55 years ago, inviting archivist, and former teacher, Mr Brian Matthews to share his knowledge and old photos, noting the changing landscape of the School over the years.

The boys then turned their attention to the features of Auckland City, noting changes that have taken place over a similar period of time. 

It’s 186 metres to the top of the Sky Tower and from this vantage point, the boys located significant geographical features and landmarks, making rudimentary sketches in preparation for an art unit back at School. The boys also had a bit of fun – the glass panels in the floor of the Sky Tower are not for the faint-hearted but the young boys weren’t fazed, lying across the glass as if floating on air! 

EOTC (Education outside the classroom) opportunities such as this help bring student learning into context, adding another rich layer to their classroom studies.