Two Awards for The Pipes & Drums at National Championships
Two Awards for The Pipes & Drums at National Championships
March 10, 2014 at 2:44 PM
The Pipes & Drums of Saint Kentigern have returned from their three day visit to Tauranga, the venue for the 2014 National Pipe Band Championships, where our students joined with fifty bands from around New Zealand and Australia to take part in a series of music and marching events.
At the Prizegiving, the band was given two awards: the Ireland Family Shield and the Souter Challenge Cup, awarded for both grade 4 dress inspection and open dress points between college bands. This is fitting recognition of their very high standards of presentation and the pride with which they represent their College wearing the MacFarlan Tartan.
The band was placed 5th in the Juvenile Grade, which included school bands and regional representative Under 19 groups. They were also placed 9th in the adult division of their grade, which is made up of around forty bands from around the country.
Over the course of the contest, the band performed to the stringent championship requirements of the music events: The March Strathspey and Reel Set, and the Medley Selection. The Street March, judged on music and marching drill, along with the Juvenile March Music event, make up a demanding programme.
One of the important highlights for our students was the positive feedback on their good musical technique and the excellent quality of their sound, particularly for our senior band which this year includes a number of younger, Middle School students. This has been a strong start for The Pipes & Drums as they now look ahead to the rest of 2014 and an invitation to perform in Australia in 2015.
Video from NZ Herald/BOP Times website: