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Trust Board Hosts Saint Kentigern College 1950s & 60s Old Collegians Reunion

15 August 2023

Trust Board Hosts Saint Kentigern College 1950s & 60s Old Collegians Reunion

August 15, 2023 at 10:07 AM

The Verandah in Hamilton was filled with nostalgia and camaraderie as the Saint Kentigern Trust Board hosted students from the 1950s & 60s in an Old Collegians function exclusively for those residing in Waikato and Bay of Plenty. With over 50 guests in attendance, the event proved to be a journey down memory lane for the alums of Saint Kentigern College.

As the guests arrived, a steady build of laughter and animated conversations ensued as they caught up and reminisced about their time at the College. Shared experiences set the tone for the event, fostering an atmosphere of togetherness.

The highlight of the function was the sumptuous buffet lunch that satisfied the guests' appetites. Amidst the laughter and conversations, the bond of their Saint Kentigern days was palpable, transporting them back to their days spent on Pakuranga Road.

Following lunch, time was taken to roll call, getting each Old Collegian to stand and introduce themselves by their school number, sharing a snippet of their journey since their time at the College. Upon hearing all the attendees, it was clear despite the diverse paths taken post-school, they cherish the common thread of their alma mater that unites them.

The event featured presentations by Saint Kentigern Trust Board Chairman Mark Conelly and the current Saint Kentigern College Principal, Damon Emtage. Mr Emtage provided insightful updates on the College's current demographics, highlighting the roll size and the male/female split, vastly different from what the attendees experienced in the 19050s and 60s. He also shared details about the current curriculum and academic options, shedding light on the ever-evolving educational landscape at Saint Kentigern College.

As a new principal, Damon candidly shared his impressions of Saint Kentigern after six months, reaffirming the institution's commitment to excellence in education. He passionately spoke about the opportunities for the College in the context of New Zealand's education system, instilling confidence in the institution's future.

Mr Conelly's Board update was equally captivating, emphasising the significance of stewardship in their community and how it has shaped the College's growth. He believes Saint Kentigern College is coming of age, standing as a testament to the collective effort and dedication of the entire community, including the Old Collegians. The Q&A session that followed allowed the Old Collegians to engage with the presenters and gain deeper insights into the school's plans and aspirations.

Dessert marked the sweet conclusion of the formal part of the function, paving the way for further mingling and interactions. This reunion was a testament to the enduring bonds forged at Saint Kentigern College, where the spirit of lifelong learning remains as vibrant as ever. The 1950s and 60s Old Collegians' function was a resounding success, weaving together the past, the present, and the future of our remarkable educational institution.