Boys' School
Triple P Positive Parenting Course
Triple P Positive Parenting Course
January 29, 2013 at 10:49 AM
Calling parents of Junior and Middle School boys, this term we will be running a Triple P Positive Parenting Course. The course will be held from 4.00pm – 6.00pm in the School Boardroom at Saint Kentigern Boys’ School, over the following three weeks:
- Thursday 28 February
- Thursday 7 March
- Thursday 14 March
The cost for this six hour programme is $175 which includes the following:
- Club Mungo attendance for any Saint Kentigern boy or girl while you are at the course from 4.00 - 6.00pm
- a parenting manual
- on-going one-on-one support as required
The fee can be charged against your School account. If you are interested, please register for this course by contacting Sue Bowskill sue.bowskill@saintkentigern.com