Top IB Diploma Students Attend Top Scholars Awards
Top IB Diploma Students Attend Top Scholars Awards
February 22, 2024 at 11:34 AM
Eleven of our students were invited to attend the New Zealand IB Diploma Top Scholars’ Awards at Kristin School in Albany on Saturday 10, February, with five able to attend on the afternoon. The ceremony recognises the outstanding performance of students from around New Zealand who gained 40 points or more for their Diplomas from the November session in 2023.
Gaining 40 points or more places students in approximately the top 6% of students taking the Diploma around the world. The two Saint Kentigern students who achieved the highest-ranking score were Chris Ye (44) and Sean Wang (44). Other students backed this up with point scores of 43, 42, 41, and 40 out of a possible maximum of 45. These eleven students represent 20% of the Saint Kentigern IB Diploma cohort for 2023.
The awards ceremony was hosted by David Boardman the Chair, of the New Zealand IB Heads’ Association. He congratulated the students on their achievements saying that it took more than natural academic ability to achieve highly - dedication and attitude had an equally important part to play. David understands the rigor of the Diploma and how Covid-19 has impacted the education of these IB students leading up to their years of studying the IB Diploma, which makes these achievements that much greater.
The guest speaker was Erica Stanford, the newly appointed Minister of Education. This was followed by IB Diploma Programme alumni speaker Helena Wiseman who spoke of her commitment to service in the community beyond her years of the Diploma and how the IB Learner Profile continued to shape her life in her career at a Law Firm.
Our congratulations to the Eleven on their fantastic achievement and we wish them well as they enter tertiary study in New Zealand, Australia, USA, and the UK.
Explanation of the IB Diploma Points
The point scale used for IB subjects is 1 (poor) to 7 (best). Students take six subjects = 42 points. A further 3 additional points* are available based on individual performance in the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge. Therefore, the maximum available score is 45.
HL = Higher Level SL = Standard Level
Three subjects are studied at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL). Students decide which subjects they will study at Higher Level at the end of the second semester in Year 12.
*Additional points: A maximum of 3 extra points can be gained for successful completion of the Theory of Knowledge course and the Extended Essay but to be eligible for the diploma, students must also meet the requirements of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS).