Thank You Nigel Latta
Thank You Nigel Latta
September 17, 2015 at 8:36 AM
JC Chalmers Hall was filled to bursting last night when TV presenter, bestselling author and well known psychologist, Nigel Latta offered his time, free of charge, to present to our parents.The primary aim of the evening was to continue to raise funds for Sir Ray Avery's Life Pod Appeal to create infant incubators especially designed for Third World conditions.
Late last year, Sir Ray's charity, Medicine Mondiale, launched a $2 million global fundraising appeal with the aim to get the high-quality, affordable baby incubators into production for Third World hospitals. Designed for a hot climate where supplies of clean water and power are intermittent, the incubators will cost around $2000 per pod - this is compared with more than $40,000 for the models currently available that are not suitable for hot, unsanitary conditions.
Sir Ray has a daughter at the Girls' School and another at the Preschool and is an avid supporter of Saint Kentigern. Through his connections, Nigel Latta willingly offered his time last night to talk to our parents in his own inimitable style about the trials and tribulations of raising children in today's society.
Sir Ray introduced Nigel as 'the horse whisperer of children,' with an equally well known penchant for 'blowing things up!'- referring to his most recent television series.
Nigel's professional experience spans over two decades with his work reflecting a dual interest in both forensic psychology and working with young people and their families. To most, he is best known for his 'Politically incorrect' guides to raising children. Whether speaking on television or delivering his message in person, his style is upbeat, funny and somewhat irreverent! Above all, he encouraged our parents last night to relax, 'Kids just need good parents.' They need to learn how to
take responsibility for themselves; to become resourceful and resilient – and understand that 'their effort is linked to outcome' and they need to take responsibility for their own actions!
Well over 300 parents attended last night's function with all ticket proceeds going towards Life Pods. Last year, the Girls' School committed to raising $20,000 for the appeal and it wasn't long before all the Saint Kentigern schools came on board. To date we have collectively raised $23,000 for the cause and we sincerely thank Nigel Latta for the part he has played in this.
Last night also served as the launch of a tee shirt to help raise further funds. A collaboration between Director of the Preschool, Mrs Sue Nash and Preschool parent and leading NZ Fashion Designer, Yvonne Bennetti, the striking shirts went on sale last night. Available from girls to ladies' sizes, the shirts are available through the Preschool in black or white with a large silver or gold sequined heart on the front and three small hearts on the back to represent the Life Pod slogan to 'keep little hearts beating.' Yvonne was thrilled to put her name behind this great cause. Tee shirts can be purchased through the Preschool with the profits going to the cause.
To read more about Sir Avery's work or to make a donation to the Life Pod Appeal, visit: https://mondialelifepod.com/