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A thank you: 20 years at Saint Kentigern College

27 October 2022

A thank you: 20 years at Saint Kentigern College

October 27, 2022 at 10:43 AM

It is a privilege for Saint Kentigern College to be able to celebrate numerous teachers becoming long term family in a culture that prides itself on togetherness. On Friday 21 October, College teaching staff gathered in the staffroom to honour four teachers who have served the College for twenty years. Acting Principal Duncan McQueen shared sentiments on each of the Awardees, with his memories from their time teaching together and the impact and influence they have had on students and fellow colleagues.  Dr Kevin Morris represented the Trust Board and presented each with flowers and a gift to express our appreciation for their long service.

Mrs Bridget Anitelea is currently the well-loved Head of Girls’ Boarding at Bruce House.  Commencing as Head of the History Department in 2002, Bridget has dedicated these past 20 years ensuring those entrusted to her care also feel a part of the College family.  Whether in the classroom teaching New Zealand and World History or now, as the ‘mother the girls always wanted,’ the care of students remains her priority. When addressing the staff, she was “grateful that the school has been a constant in many milestones in her life.” She now has her family living onsite and they too are part of the Bruce House family. For her, Saint Kentigern College really has become home. Thank you, Bridget, for all you have done for the staff and students.

Mrs Amanda Raea.  In the last 20 years Amanda has been a passionate and respected teacher of Social Studies, Geography, Travel and Tourism and a tutor of four boys Tutor Groups in Chalmers House. As someone who has a huge passion for our Pasifika students Amanda also noted that this year it has been her absolute joy and privilege to be the new Head of Pasifika students here at the College.  During the last 20 years Amanda has found that her Christian faith, the support of her colleagues and the close loving relationships that she has built with so many of her students have sustained her. Amanda reminded the staff that her husband had once told her, while reflecting on his schooling, that it was not really what his teachers had said and done that he remembered but how they made him feel. So, on that note she encouraged the staff to keep developing meaningful relationships with their students as that would be what they would remember in the years to come! Thank you, Amanda for your 20 years of dedicated service to Saint Kentigern College.

Mr Richard Tucker started in 2002 as the only Counsellor in what was a Boys’ only College at that time. Much has changed from then to now. He currently serves as the Head of Counselling at Saint Kentigern College, with three counsellors now serving a co-educational school with roughly twice as many students.  During this time Richard also spent three years at Bruce House as a Duty Master. An ongoing passion for Pastoral Care has continued through the various roles he has stepped into during his 20 years at the College. He recalled many memories gained over that time, involving past and present staff, be it school camp shenanigans, to his own wedding on site, where he was married by the Reverend Smith. The school holds a lot of sentimental value to him, and he said, “not one of these events would be memorable without the people.” Thank you, Richard, for your listening ear and for being a constant in the care of all at our College.

Mrs Catherine May. Catherine shared that she knew before making her move from South Africa that she would like to teach at Saint Kentigern College after a brief visit to Auckland. Within weeks of her arrival, Catherine was given a three-week reliever role, from which she stayed on and only one year later became a Curriculum Leader in Science. In 2009 Catherine became Head of Year 8 and later the Head of Department STEM Science.  As she reflected on her years at the College, she was grateful for being challenged as both a person and a professional, giving the advice “to always be flexible and an opportunist.” Not only does Catherine celebrate 20 years at the College but also 40 years of teaching. She is passionate about the next generation and said her heart is to instil in them a love for teaching.  From a young age, she knew this was the career she wanted; there is no doubt that heart and drive have been passed on to her students over the years. Thank you, Catherine, for your loyalty, service, and determination in everything you do.