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Tertiary Scholarships

03 November 2014

Tertiary Scholarships

November 03, 2014 at 4:36 PM

The College is thrilled that at the time of this year’s Prizegiving, 27 of our students have been awarded 29 significant tertiary scholarships providing the selected students with financial assistance, in some cases very significant amounts of money, to assist towards their tertiary studies at universities in New Zealand and America.

Congratulations to the following students!

The University of Auckland Scholarship
Andrew Chi and Shuo Yang

These are awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional levels of academic excellence, all-round ability and leadership. The University received almost 1300 applications for these scholarships and 120 have been awarded throughout New Zealand. It is the university’s premier Scholarship. All fees for the first 3 years of an undergraduate degree are paid up to $50,000 plus academic mentoring in the first year. We are very pleased to announce 2 Saint Kentigern students have been awarded these University of Auckland Scholarship for 2014.

University of Otago Academic Excellence Scholarships
Eden Hawkins and Sarah McQueen

These are awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional levels of academic excellence in their course of study. Worth $30,000 each towards tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses for three years of study, only 22 have been awarded across New Zealand.

The Victoria University Excellence Scholarship
Hannah Wood, Ben Clarke, Anna Murphy, Max Christie, Katherine Ford, Georgia Foster, Christie Stringer and Tomo Suzuki

These scholarships are is awarded to recognise students who have gained NCEA Level 2 endorsed with Excellence. It is worth $5000 towards tuition fees or accommodation in the first year of study.

The AUT Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship
Melissa Porter                             

This is an award for student achievement for academic excellence at secondary schools in the wider Auckland region. This award provides tuition fees for 4 papers a semester over 3 years.

The AUT Undergraduate Scholarship
Tim Mudford

Thisis a full fee Scholarship paid for 1 year worth $6000 and is awarded to students with excellent course work school grades. 

The Massey University High Achiever Scholarships
April Fini and Mimi Seagar

These are awarded to students whose grades reflect a level of excellence across a range of subjects recognized by an endorsement of Excellence, and or excellence within the subject areas of proposed study. This scholarship is worth $3000 for 1 year.

The PriceWaterhouseCoopers Accounting Scholarship
Sam Dakin

This provides study assistance valued at approximately $7,000 over 4 years as well as mentoring support. It allows scholars the option to work at PricewaterhouseCoopers in their university holidays.

The RSM Prince Accounting Scholarship
Lucy Eden

This scholarshipis exclusive to Saint Kentigern College and is awarded annually to a Year 13 student. It provides $4,800 study assistance over four years together with mentoring assistance and opportunities for paid employment during University holidays.                                                     

The University of Waikato Vice Chancellor’s Academic School Leaver Excellence Scholarship
Sam Dakin and Lucy Eden

This is offered in recognition of academic success in NCEA worth $5000. 

The Sir George Elliot Scholarship
Courtney Rowse

This is awarded to an applicant who is likely to succeed in their proposed course of study, has demonstrated academic achievement, has demonstrated personal qualities of leadership and has faced exceptional challenges as a result of personal circumstances. This award provides study assistance valued at $25,000 for the period of study.

University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
Ashley Chan

This is awarded to students who have academic ability, have demonstrated leadership, have a sporting and/or cultural involvement and have made a contribution to the community. The scholarship is worth $5000 towards tuition fees or accommodation in the first year of study.

The University of Auckland Faculty of Business and Economics Entry Level Undergraduate Scholarship 
Sian Seeley

This is only awarded to forty students and is worth $2,500 for the first year of study towards a Commerce Degree. The student receiving this will do a conjoint Commerce and Engineering degree.

The Kelliher Economics Foundation Award
Aditya Arolkar

For a student who has demonstrated a proven ability in Economics, the scholarship worth $2000 is awarded to study economics at an approved tertiary institution of their choice.

Lincoln University Sports Scholarship in Rugby
Brian Enari and Iri Enari

This scholarship covers full fees for the course of study. 

University of Louisiana at Lafayette Scholarship
Kelly Drew

This is a 100% scholarship covering full fees for both the academic and sporting programme.

Wichita State University in Kansas Scholarship
Edi Stoica

This is a 100% scholarship covering full fees for both the academic and sporting programme.