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Teams Trump at Battle of the Saints

12 June 2013

Teams Trump at Battle of the Saints

June 12, 2013 at 2:55 PM

DSC02816.JPGWith thanks to Drama Teacher, Mr David Sheehan

It was an awesome night of skilful and witty improvisation when the Saint Kentigern College Premier Theatresports teams “Team Squid” and “Ben With Moustaches” competed in the biannual Battle Of The Saints against St Cuthberts and Dilworth.

The Jack Paine Centre Atrium was filled with hilarity as our two teams played out their dramatic scenes against the three other teams. Highlights included Ben Clarke being teleported to Mars only to marry and then be killed by a praying mantis like alien, Tate Steel performing a one man beauty and the beast and Alexander Maehl as a film noir style talking tree in Snow White.

Both of our teams served us proud with Team Squid, made up of Tate Steel, Cameron Teare, Mitchell Fissenden and Sarah McQueen trumping as the winners on the night, and Ben With Moustaches team of Ben Clarke, Carlos Webster, Alexander Maehl and Ryan Stickland coming a credible second out of five teams.

Our next big home game will be the regional Eastern Zone Semi Final on Friday August 2nd, also held in the Jack Paine Centre Atrium. Come along and support the College Theatresports stars!