Spy in the Sky Draws Crowds!
Spy in the Sky Draws Crowds!
November 05, 2018 at 4:03 PM
During the course of the year, there are many occasions when our Boys’ School community comes together. Whether it’s sports events, music evenings, Chapel services, Prizegiving, Mothers’ High Tea, Father and Son Breakfasts, Grandparents’ Day, our Carol Service, the famed Celtic Day or simply lending a hand in the classroom or out on trips, our families are there in support. However, there is one occasion each year that might well be the biggest drawcard of all – the annual salute to Guy Fawkes, the Boys’ School Fireworks Night!
After initiating set up on Friday, it was an early start on Saturday morning as the committee of parents busied themselves with all the details, whilst keeping track of the weather reports - with gusty winds forecast! However, unlike last year’s rainy postponement, and the ‘umbrella night’ a few years back, the chosen day threw up a perfect night sky with just the right amount of cloud cover to set the stage for another fantastic night of fireworks - and a relieved team from the Parents and Friends could relax knowing that their months of planning could now come to fruition!
The gates opened at 5pm as a capacity crowd of 2000 streamed in, loaded picnic baskets at the ready, for an evening of relaxation and entertainment. With the main focus of the evening skywards, every patch of turf was a perfect picnic spot! As parents set up camp, the children quickly did the rounds to check out the ‘fairground’ activities.
From late afternoon, the stage came to life, as the Boys’ School musicians entertained, drawing a mini-mosh pit of proud parents to record the performances on their phones! Meanwhile the majority of the youngsters flocked to the rides, purchased wrist band at the ready, to take advantage of as many turns as possible while the daylight lasted.
Without question, one of the most popular activities was the annual chance to target a teacher with a wet sponge! Amongst the staff willing to test their dignity was ever-game Principal, Mr Peter Cassie and School Chaplain, Reverend Reuben Hardie. The gold coins flowed in as hopeful students took aim – along with a handful of parents!
This year’s theme, ‘Spy in the Sky’ gave a distinctly ‘James Bond’ flavour to the evening. As the night sky darkened, Mr Cassie welcomed the Saint Kentigern community. A ‘distressed James Bond girl’ (yes, Reverend Hardie looked very fetching in heels, a frock and a wig!) struggled to the stage prompting a stunt motorbike, lit with flares, to race across the field. With much pomp, ‘James Bond-Cassie’ made his entrance and with a few deft ‘ninja’ moves, rescued the ‘girl’ - and rescued the evening - setting the night sky alive with fireworks, accompanied by the theme songs from various James Bond movies.
The logistics for a fireworks night held on school grounds are such that a lesser team, faced with so many hurdles, and health and safety requirements may have simply placed it in the ‘too hard basket’ long ago. Over the years, our own determined organising committee has conquered the paper work to ensure that both people and property are safely protected. Planning began at the start of March and the team of Parents and Friends has been totally focused on ensuring that that a safe and successful fireworks night continues as our school's signature event.
Well done! It was fantastic!
Our sincere thanks to the Fireworks Organising Team, parents and staff for their immense effort in bringing this to fruition, and all those who helped in the clean-up afterwards!