Special Awards at 2015 NIWA Science Fair for Boys' School Scientists
Special Awards at 2015 NIWA Science Fair for Boys' School Scientists
September 01, 2015 at 12:17 PM
It was a sea of blue blazers at this year’s NIWA Science and Technology Fair Prizegiving, as our Saint Kentigern boys scooped up the prizes.
Following on from the Boys’ School Science Symposium, a select group of young scientists from our Senior School presented their science projects for judging in the Auckland City division of the event, held this year in our own Jubilee Sports Centre. The boys’ projects were put on display alongside top projects from almost 30 schools within the central Auckland area.
At last night’s Prizegiving, the judges said that the standard across Year 7 and 8 this year was extremely high so we were delighted that 18 of our boys were recognised with 25 awards. Eight of the projects were singled out for special awards!
In particular, Christian Colenbrander was awarded 1st prize in the Physical World category as well as receiving The University of Auckland Physics Department Award for Excellence in Physical Investigations. A keen hockey player, Christian set about finding the best way to hit a hockey ball taking in the variables of the ball, stick, player, turf, weather and ways to hit the ball, all with a view to eliminating the problem of ‘stick shock’ for players who don’t own high grade sticks.
Fellow Year 8 student, Michael Hiddleston caught the attention of two special prize sponsors. He considered whether the depth at which a fish lives impacts on its ability to see UV light. His detailed analysis caught the eye of The University of Auckland Physics Department who gave him the Award for a Project in Medical Physics. He also received the Dodd-Walls Centre Prize for Best Exhibit Involving Optics. Both Michael’s and Christian’s prizes involved a considerable sum of money!
Well done to all the following prizewinners.
Michael Hiddleston - Seeing in the Sea
2nd in Physical World and two Special Prizes
Dodd-Walls Centre Prize for Best Exhibit Involving Optics
University of Auckland Physics Department - Award for a Project in Medical Physics
Christian Colenbrander - Stroke of luck
1st in Physical World and Special Prize
University of Auckland Physics Department - Award for Excellence in Physical Investigations
Xavier Yin - Whegs, Wheels and Legs
2nd in Technology and Special Prize
Photon Factory Award for Technology - Years 7-8 - 2nd Place
Jack Webber - Seismic Shift
3rd in Physical World and Special Prize
University of Auckland Physics Department - Award for Excellence in GeoPhysics
Zachary Lerner - Labelling Let Down
3rd in Material World and Special Prize
NZIFST Award for Food Technology (2nd)
Charlie Glass -Are We Killing Coral Reefs and Shellfish?
3rd in Planet Earth and Beyond and Special Prize
Geoscience Society of New Zealand Prize
Jett Robertson - How polluted is our harbour
Highly Commended and Special Prize
RIMU, Auckland Council Awards
David Allan and Isaac Mellis-Glynn - I forgot
3rd in Living World
The following boys received Highly Commended:
Cameron Blyth & Josh Speakman - Perfect Popcorn; Matt Chandler - Flying Through The Air; Charles Wilkes -The Pressure Of Rugby; Hugo Du Temple - What Should You Really Be Drinking On The Sports Field?; George Tingey - The Drip Rifle; Charles Swain - The Truth Revealed; Leo Lyndsay Smail - Is your Patty Fatty?; William Hadfield - Death Rays.