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Snow Day at Preschool

04 August 2014

Snow Day at Preschool

August 04, 2014 at 4:11 PM

It was cold feet for everyone, teachers included, at the Preschool today as students and staff alike had fun in the four tonnes of snow that had been freshly dumped that morning. 

The much anticipated snow day had finally arrived for our youngest Saint Kentigern students who did not waste a moment getting stuck in and enjoying the icy novelty.

The annual snow day is a part of a ‘Seasons’ unit that the preschoolers have been focusing on that introduces the winter time topic of ice and snow. The sandpit had been transformed into a winter wonderland, this year finished off with the Preschool’s own recently built, recycled milk bottle igloo.

For some it was the first time that they had experienced the ‘white stuff’, as they crunched and sank in trepidation across the big mound. 

But as the morning wore on, they eagerly joined in the fun and quickly learned how to throw ‘snowballs’, make snow angels and slip and slide down the gentle slope.