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SKC’s Got Talent 2017

29 September 2017

SKC’s Got Talent 2017

September 29, 2017 at 4:17 PM

Our own home grown talent was on show today, presenting vocal and dance items to a panel of judges at the annual SKC’s Got Talent. 

In a new format this year, the show was moved to a lunchtime event; the hall packed with eager onlookers waiting for the chance to judge their own People’s Choice winner. Arts Prefect, Amelia Ayres hosted the show, keeping it rolling with information about each act; her natural stage presence plain to see. 

The annual talent show is a student-led initiative spearheaded by the students on the Arts Council. The six finalists had been selected by the students themselves from across the age range, after a number of auditions leading up to the night. Those selected gave it their all as they competed for the coveted titles. 

From contemporary dance to block-busting rock, contemporary melody, a classical flute/piano duet and a beat boxer, who proved to be the audience favourite, the items were a pleasure to watch, the student audience making their appreciation known. These were students who clearly loved what they do! 

Head of Performing Arts, Ms Jane Horder, Head of Music, Mr Ross Gerritsen and guest judge, Mr Mike Young, Head of Music at Pakuranga College formed the judging panel. While they were deliberating the entries, Year 13 stand-up comic, Zoe French kept the audience laughing with her quick-fire banter. 

With the wait over, the winners were the pairing of Sam Everitt and Harry Lowe. Sam had the lead role of Peter Pan in this year’s Middle School musical and Harry was part of the Hamilton House Band at House Music. Only Year 9, the pair sure know how to entertain! Singing ‘Grenade’ (Bruno Mars), they soon had the audience fully engaged. 

Second place went to Year 13, Erin Meek; a beautiful dancer currently auditioning for tertiary dance academies. Third place and the People’s Choice went to Year 11 student, Sam Ashton who totally stitched up the audience with his shameless beatbox routine – a natural entertainer!

 Our thanks to the Arts Council for their work to make this happen. The lunchtime show was much enjoyed by all involved! Well done. 


1st                          Harry Lowe and Sam Everitt         Guitar/Vocal

2nd                       Erin Meek                                          Dance

3rd & PC               Sam Ashton                                      Beat Box

Other Finalists:
Chloe Haerewa, Solomon Fifita and Shrey Varma, Elise Hinomoto and Ben Buttle


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