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Girls' School

On With The Show!

22 September 2015

On With The Show!

September 22, 2015 at 8:59 AM

The magic of Shakespeare was juxtaposed with the exuberance of rock and roll in the Girls' School Creative Arts Show, with fantastic singing, dancing and acting talent on display! The show opened with a matinee performance yesterday, to be followed by evening programmes tonight and Thursday. There has been hot demand to see the girls' on-stage talents, with the two remaining productions already sold out!

After weeks of rehearsing, the time had come for the girls to strut their stuff in front of a live audience, with the school hall full of proud parents and eager supporters. The opening act saw the entire school on the stage to sing 'On With The Show.' Every line was belted out in full voice, especially the chorus with its pertinent lyrics.

'We're glad you've come to hear us

We've practised for so long

We hope that you will cheer us,

As we make our debut

Right here for you.'

At the conclusion of the song to rapturous applause, the younger students in front of the stage filed off revealing the performers for the next act. The Year 7 and 8 girls put on a vignette of Shakespeare's comedy 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' Amongst girls posed as an enchanted forest, the mischievous sprite Puck, played by Abigail Mills, was up to his usual tricks. After encountering King Oberon (Zara Smith), Puck was instructed to find a magical purple flower. Meanwhile, in the very same forest, a group of actors were rehearsing a play entitled 'Pyramus and Thisby.' One of the main characters, Terri-Jane Warner as Bottom, became another victim of Puck. Bottom was transformed into a donkey! Oberon dropped the juice of the flower upon the eyelids of the Queen of the Fairies, Titania (Addison Peebles), and she woke up to discover that she was in love with a donkey. Much hilarity and trouble ensued, and it was only when Oberon took pity upon his Queen, that the situation was resolved.

From Shakespeare's era in the 16th century, the audience was transported to the height of the rock and roll generation for 'Little Red Rockinghood.' Written by Jeffrey Leask, the play gives a rock and roll twist to the well-known fairy tale featuring a young girl, her granny and a big bad wolf. It starred the Year 6 students with support from the girls in Years 1 to 5. The Year 3 class was on stage first, singing and dancing an introduction for Red Rockin' Hood, played by Kate Frazer. When it came time for the refrain, the whole school joined in.

'Little Red, Little Red Rockin' Hood,

'She could rock 'n' roll like nobody could.'

With logistical precision, the singers and dancers exited the stage for the Year 6 narrators to initiate the conflict between Little Red and Wolf O'Malley, who was performed by Amelie James-Power. With long sideburns and dark sunglasses, O'Malley was 'a real big bopper, but real bad news.' The Year 1 girls moved onto the stage to sing and dance the 'Purple People Eater' song to convey his menace!

Then it was time for Granny (Vivian Pettigrove) to meet the nasty villain. O'Malley drove his convertible car to the soda shop, where some of the Year 5 girls were dancing to 'Bee-bop-a-loola-bop-aloo-bam-boo.' Wearing brightly-coloured Hawaiian skirts, it was a classic hula scene! Granny stood no chance when O'Malley pounced and put her in the closet. His plan to disguise himself as his hostage was to put into action, with the Year 4 girls giving him a Granny-makeover complete with pink wig, red lipstick and flower boa.

The scheme was plain to see for Little Red though, who exposed the wolf's true identity with the help of the Year 2 actors.

'Oh Granny, Oh Granny, you look so strange!

Am I right in thinking there has been some change?'

Alongside the rest of the Year 5 girls doing a groovy hand jive, Little Red took O'Malley down just as the police arrived. The only thing left to do was rescue Granny from the closet and cue the happy ending! The entire cast took the stage to close the show – 'with music, dancing, singing and laughter, they rocked around the clock and rocked happily ever after!'

The Arts Show was a fantastic platform for the girls to show off their theatrical creativity, and the enjoyment they gleaned from being on stage was palpable. There was also a positive buzz emanating from the audience after the final curtain as they recalled their favourite parts of the programme. Well done to everyone who contributed to the success of the show!