Sharing In Song
Sharing In Song
August 09, 2021 at 10:43 AM
Last week, the Boys’ School welcomed a touring choir from Hereworth School in Havelock North, along with their Principal, Mr Trevor Barman, Deputy Principal, Mrs Kate Field, Director of Music, Ms Joanne Stevens, and accompanist, Mrs Elizabeth Curtis for a shared workshop and concert.
Our own Performers’ Choir last toured to Hawkes’ Bay in 2019 and enjoyed staying with Hereworth families. This year, it was our turn to act as hosts – albeit, a long time coming! Hereworth were due to visit during Term 3 last year – but as with so many things last year, Covid put paid to that. Once again, we give thanks that our students can still share in these experiences in New Zealand.
The choirs from both schools initially joined forces to spend time in a workshop, firstly teaching each new piece they have learned this year. Hereworth’s piece was an action song, ‘Once an Austrian went yodelling’ that encourages the audience to also join in. With an avalanche, a Saint Bernard, a grizzly bear, a train, a love interest and an irate father joining his journey, there were plenty of actions to learn! The Boys’ School Performers’ Choir shared their version of Duke Ellington’s upbeat ‘It Don’t mean a Thing’.
As well as the joy of new songs, the workshop also gave the students the chance to experience working with a new conductor.
In the afternoon, the Middle School boys were invited to a concert for Hereworth to perform their very polished repertoire, as well both choirs joining together for the shared songs. With 45 boys from Hereworth and 42 from Saint Kentigern, the combined choir of almost 90 certainly raised the roof and the Middle School audience enjoyed joining the action!
We hope our guests enjoyed their visit and we will look forward to our return visit to Hawkes Bay to once again share in song.