Senior Prizegiving 2012
Senior Prizegiving 2012
November 19, 2012 at 9:04 AM
This year’s Senior Prizegiving signalled the end of another notable year in the life of the College as the Saint Kentigern College community gathered to congratulate our Year 11, 12 and 13 International Baccalaureate and NCEA academic prize winners, including those who had received scholarships for tertiary study from leading universities and tertiary institutions. In addition, special prizes were awarded for cultural and service activities along with the top sports awards.
Each student who came across the stage could be rightfully proud of their awards that recognised their significant contribution. The evening culminated with the announcement of the highest academic honour, the Dux, this year awarded to NCEA student, Rosalie Liu.
Dux Medallist for 2012: Rosalie Liu
Rosalie is a student of exceptional academic ability who has achieved considerable academic success during her time at Saint Kentigern College, culminating in her placement in the top ten students in her year level for five consecutive years. In 2010, Rosalie gained Level 1 NCEA with an Excellence endorsement. She gained 93 credits at Excellence level (with a GPA of 92) and was placed third in the Saint Kentigern College cohort. In 2011, Rosalie came first in Japanese and Visual Arts – Painting. That same year she gained 111 Excellence credits for Level 2 NCEA, with a GPA of 98. This was the highest grade in her cohort. In addition, she gained a Scholarship in English. As further testament to her academic drive, Rosalie is preparing for Scholarship examinations in Classic Studies, English, Chemistry, Statistics and Modelling and Visual Arts – Painting.
In addition to her academic endeavours, Rosalie has participated in a myriad of co-curricular activities including various musical groups, Hockey, Badminton and Table Tennis.
Rosalie’s considerable academic ability has been recognised by the University of Auckland as they have selected her as one of the recipients of the prestigious Auckland University Scholarships. Rosalie plans to graduate from University with a conjoint degree in Science and the Arts.
Proxime Accessit: Sally Park
Sally is a young woman who has achieved significant academic success during her time at Saint Kentigern College.She gained an Excellence Endorsement for both Level 1 NCEA (with 111 credits gained at Excellence level) and Level 2 NCEA (with 96 credits at Excellence level). In addition, Sally was awarded a Scholarship in both Statistics and Modelling and Visual Arts - Painting in 2011. Her outstanding results in Level 1 earned her the award for the top Year 11 NCEA student at Saint Kentigern College, based on her 2010 NCEA results. Sally was placed second at the College based on her Level 2 NCEA results, with a GPA of 91. Throughout her time at the College, Sally has consistently placed in the top ten students in her year level and been awarded a number of subject prizes at the end of each year, including the prizes for both Year 13 Statistics and Modelling and Year 13 Visual Arts – Painting in Year 12.
Sally’s NCEA Level 3 subjects this year span a broad range of disciplines, from the Sciences to Creative Arts. In addition, she has enriched her Year 13 course by enrolling for five Scholarship examinations namely Biology, Chemistry, English, Mathematics with Calculus and Statistics and Modelling. Sally was awarded an Auckland University Jubilee Scholarship and plans to study Medicine with the view to specialising in Psychiatry.
Cultural and Service Special Awards
At Senior Prizegiving, as well as our academic achievers, we recognised our very best sportsmen and women, debaters, actors, dancers and musicians, and those who have given well beyond expections in Service. We are proud of the achievements of so many of our students. At all levels, there are many who strive to achieve their utmost in every endeavour they undertake. Each has a goal, a focus, a sight set on an outcome. Among the many talented, hardworking individuals, there are also those who set their sights a little higher. Often the true all-rounder, they give their all to every facet of their College life, getting involved in many of the opportunities offered to them, often helping others along the way. The students awarded the special Cultural and Service awards are such students.
The Hall Memorial Prize for Service: Sophia Noble
Sophia is an NCEA student with no curriculum requirement to complete Service yet Sophia and a couple of her friends have raised hundreds of dollars over the past five years making and selling cupcakes for the SPCA’s Cupcake day. Recently Sophia she has attained the status of crew member on New Zealand’s Spirit of Adventure Trust and takes Youth Voyages out to sea as part of their Youth Development scheme. Sophia is a student coach for Theatresports and is member of the Service Council.
The Rotary Senior School Service Award: Joe Lu
As an IB student Joe is required to do 50 hours of Service over two years. He has, however, gone well beyond the IB requirements and willingly gave of his time in many service activities. Joe is a College Librarian, a member of the Service Council, a tutor at Dingwell Trust, a student coach for our Middle School Mathex team as well as helping out Mathex teams at local primary schools. He helps with preparation and serving at the community dinners in South Auckland and has visited an elderly person who lives on their own on a weekly basis to keep them company. Joe also helped organise and run International Languages Week at the College.
The Michael Wagstaff Memorial Award: Timothy McMaster
This award goes to a student who has demonstrated outstanding attitude and application, achieving their personal best beyond what would be expected of them. Timothy is a worthy recipient of this award.
The Rhys Brookbanks Memorial Award: Calvin Sang
This is the second time that the Rhys Brookbanks Memorial Award for Leadership and Service as been awarded in memory of Rhys who was tragically killed in the collapse of the Christchurch CTV Building. Calvin has co-led the Service Council this year. This award is in recognition for all Calvin has been so willing to do in supporting many College activities through his incredible talent as a film maker.
The Richard Orsborn Memorial Award: Paul Jackson
This is awarded to a pupil leaving the College who throughout their schooling has contributed to many school activities, shown high personal standards and has exhibited the qualities inherent in the foundation of the College. Paul is a Peer Support Leader, a member of the Scholars group and a student leader in the IT Department. He is in the tramping group, plays football, squash, lacrosse and is a top athlete. Paul gained the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award this year. Paul has shown himself to be resilient, humble, a supportive team member and a young man of integrity.
The Michael Lonsdale-Cooper Memorial Cup for Citizenship: James Gardner
James is a Peer Support Leader, a member of the Service Council, the Scholars Group, Menasing Boys Choir, Kentoris Premier Choir and a Theatresports Coach. James has played rugby and volleyball and has acted in drama productions. James has recently completed the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. James does all this with humility. He is always respectful, diligent and displays what it is to be a Son of Kentigern.
The Clements Family ‘Endeavour Cup’: Timothy Cleaver
This award is for Excellence in Leadership, Academics and Sports. As Deputy Head Boy of the College, Tim has led by example. He was a member of the Scholars Group and received Academic Honours. He has been a crucial member of our champion 1st XV and through the final rounds of competition was an outstanding media spokesman for the team.
The Kepa-Strang Cup for Leadership Contribution: Hannah Lohrentz
Hannah has been an outstanding Deputy Head Girl, immersing herself in the life of the College and showing real leadership at crucial times this year.
Tertiary Scholarships
Each year a significant number of our students are awarded scholarships to assist with their tertiary education at universities and other tertiary institutions both within New Zealand and overseas. At the time of writing, fourteen scholarships have been awarded to provide financial assistance to continue their chosen tertiary studies. This figure generally increases over the summer break as exam results become available.
The University of Auckland Scholarship: Rosalie Liu
This scholarship is pays tuition fees for each year of the degree plus a further $2500.
The University of Auckland Jubilee Scholarship: Sally Park
This scholarship is worth $2000 each year for 3 years.
The University of Auckland John Drake Memorial Scholarship: Timothy Cleaver
This is awarded on behalf of the Auckland University Rugby Club and The University of Auckland which pays $5000 per year for three years. The selection criteria is based on academic merit, rugby potential, and involvement in community and club activities.
The University of Otago: Alana Chamberlain
This Maori & Pacific Island Entrance Scholarship is worth $10,000 for the first year of study.
The Victoria University Excellence Scholarship: Sophia Noble and Maddison Bayley
This scholarship is worth $5000 towards tuition fees or accommodation in the first year of study.
The Massey University Vice-Chancellor’s Achievers Scholarship: Sharon Jeong
Awarded for academic excellence, this scholarship is worth $3000 towards tuition fees.
The AUT Significant Student Scholarship: Isabella Curran and Ghalesha Singh
To reward student achievement for leadership, this award provides tuition fees for 4 papers a semester over 3 years.
The AUT Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship: Robert Lewis
Awarded for academic excellence, this award provides tuition fees for 4 papers a semester over 3 years.
The Russell McVeagh Scholarship: Chelsea Wiggill
This scholarship is worth $1000 for the first year and $2000 each subsequent year plus mentoring.
The RSM Prince Accounting Scholarship: Nicholas Marinovic
This scholarship is worth $1,200 a year for four years.
The Off the Rack Scholarship: Camille Richard
This is worth $8000 towards the first year of tertiary study in a design course.
The AMI Insurance Scholarship: James Gardner
The AMI Insurance Auckland Rugby Referees Association Scholarship is worth $2000 towards tuition and refereeing for 2013.
Year 11 Academic Awards
Honours List Topacademic students in Year 11 (alphabetical)
Callum Llantaryn Andrews
Max Rous Bunting
Ashley Tiwan Moy-Ying Chan
Junho (David) Gwak
Eden Lucia Hawkins
Jasmine Emerald Michelle Louie
Sian Rebecca Seeley
Rachel Genevieve Rose Smith
Ziyuan (Amy) Wang
Jia Lin (James) Yang
Shuo Yang
The Biology Prize | Edward Chen Yan Ma |
The Dance Prize | Sarah Ruth Anne McQueen |
The Drama Prize | Katherine Patricia Grace Edwards |
The English Prize | Eden Lucia Hawkins |
The Geography Prize | Lucy Charlotte Macdonald |
The History Prize | Lucy Margaret Anne Verry |
The Japanese Prize | Sarah Li |
The Year 12 Japanese Prize | Tomokazu Suzuki |
The Media Prize | Olivia Nell Osborne |
The Media Prize | Hannah Bella Baillie Wood |
The Music Prize | Ashley Tiwan Moy-Ying Chan |
The Physical Education Prize | Ashleigh Elizabeth Clark |
The Physics Prize | Jia Lin (James) Yang |
The Ivy Westrup Speech Prize | Ishara Buddhini Dhambagolla |
The Technology - Fashion & Textiles Prize | Taylor Louise McDonald |
The Richard McDonald Wilson Memorial Prize for Literature – Prose | Sian Rebecca Seeley |
The Spanish Prize | Callum Llantaryn Andrews |
The Spatial Design Prize | Georgia Clare Lapage Clapp |
The Technology - Food Prize | Alice Rachel Isobella Boyd |
The Technology - Product & Materials Prize | Ryan William Harold Tanner |
The Visual Arts Prize - Painting/Print | Georgia Lee Foster |
The "Flying Forties Ltd" Cup & Accounting Prize | Rachel Genevieve Rose Smith |
The French Prize | Rachel Genevieve Rose Smith |
The Technology - Digital Prize | Aimee Jane McMaster |
The Visual Arts Prize - Design/Photography | Aimee Jane McMaster |
The Chemistry Prize | Shuo Yang |
The Economics Prize | Shuo Yang |
The Science Prize | Shuo Yang |
The Year 12 F.H. (Fritz) Kriekhaus Prize for Mathematics | Shuo Yang |
First in Year 11 | Shuo Yang |
Year 12 Academic Awards
Honours List Top academic students in Year 12 (alphabetical)
Sarah Jane Bradley
Louis Goldwater Christie
Anthony Bryan Giles
Cai Xuan (Susan) Ji
Erich Lee
Daniel Jonathan Lowe
Kyle Hayden Francis Mens
Claire Elizabeth Ann Skelton
Nicole Lisa Trass
Mabel Ye
The Commercial Studies Prize | Ashleigh Emma Owens |
The Dance Prize | Sharnika Maree Leleni |
The Drama Prize | Alex Michael Mullins |
The W.G. Bell Prize for English | Raima Jaya Harding |
The French Prize | Camille Denise Richard |
The Prize for Gateway Studies | Dylan Giorgio Moretti |
The Music Prize | Carolyn Jane Ding |
The Outdoor Education Prize | Shinga Dale McLeod |
The Physical Education Prize | Alexandra Rose Hutchinson |
The Spatial Design Prize | Lucy Broadhead |
The Spanish Prize | Chloe Marbella Scott |
The Sports Leadership Prize | Campbell William McIver |
The Technology - Fashion & Textiles Prize | Ashleigh Chanelle Pardoe Millington |
The Technology - Food Prize | Grace Jane Findlay |
The Technology - Product & Materials Prize | Joshua Stuart Bulcraig |
The Travel & Tourism Prize | Christopher Aaron Jackson |
The Visual Arts Prize - Painting | Victoria Mary Ansell |
The Visual Arts Prize - Photography | Caitlan Paige Mitchell |
The IB Diploma Prize for Business and Management | Jessica Lorna Aspoas |
The IB Diploma Prize for French | Alexis Peter Carlier |
The IB Diploma Prize for Theatre Arts | Kirsty Alice Whyte |
The Media Studies Prize | Erich Lee |
The IB Diploma Prize for Chemistry | Djon Martin Pye |
The IB Diploma Prize for Economics | Djon Martin Pye |
The IB Diploma Prize for Biology | Zi Huan (Sandy) Huang |
The IB Diploma Prize for Spanish | Zi Huan (Sandy) Huang |
The IB Diploma Prize for Mathematics | Kandarp Dalal |
The IB Diploma Prize for Physics | Kandarp Dalal |
The Thomson Computer Science Prize | Matt Bailey Ellwood |
The IB Diploma Prize for Film | Mabel Ye |
The Technology - Digital Prize | Matt Bailey Ellwood |
The Visual Arts Prize – Design | Matt Bailey Ellwood |
The IB Diploma Prize for Environmental Systems & Societies | Mabel Ye |
The IB Diploma Prize for English | Sarah Jane Bradley |
The IB Diploma Prize for Japanese | Sarah Jane Bradley |
2011 Highest Achievement in NCEA Level 1 (28 Excellence grades) | Cai Xuan (Susan) Ji |
The IB Diploma Prize for Geography | Cai Xuan (Susan) Ji |
The IB Diploma Prize for History | Cai Xuan (Susan) Ji |
The A.M.L. MacFarlan Prize for Classical Studies | Claire Elizabeth Ann Skelton |
The History Prize | Claire Elizabeth Ann Skelton |
The RSM Prince Accounting Prize | Nicole Lisa Trass |
The Economics Prize | Nicole Lisa Trass |
The ENZED International Ltd Commerce Cup | Nicole Lisa Trass |
The Physics Prize | Louis Goldwater Christie |
The Year 13 Matheson Prize for Mathematics with Statistics | Louis Goldwater Christie |
The W.J. (John) Irwin Prize for Biology | Daniel Jonathan Lowe |
The J.F. (Jack) Coughlan Prize for Chemistry | Daniel Jonathan Lowe |
The M. (Murray) Spencer Prize for Geography | Daniel Jonathan Lowe |
The P. G. Hadfield Prize for First in Year 12 | Daniel Jonathan Lowe |
Year 13 Academic Awards
AUT Significant Student Scholarship | Isabella Grace Curran |
AUT Significant Student Scholarship | Ghalesha Kaur Singh |
AUT Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship | Robert Bowman Lewis |
The AMI Insurance Auckland Rugby Referees Association Scholarship | James Carrington Gardner |
The Victoria University Excellence Scholarship | Sophia-Louise Noble |
The Victoria University Excellence Scholarship | Maddison Susanne Bayley |
The R S M Prince Accounting Scholarship | Nicholas Matthew Marinovic |
The Russell McVeagh School Leavers’ Scholarship | Chelsea Jo Wiggill |
The University of Otago - Maori and Pacific Island Entrance Scholarship | Alana Nicole Chamberlain |
The University of Auckland Scholarship | Rosalie Jiaqiao Liu |
The University of Auckland Jubilee Scholarship | Ji-Young (Sally) Park |
The Massey University Vice Chancellor’s High Achievers Scholarship (Academic) | Sharon Jeong |
The Off the Rack Scholarship | Camille Richard |
Engineering Certificate Science Competition | James Gardner |
Engineering Certificate Science Competition | Sam Gilmour |
Engineering Certificate Science Competition | Joe Lu |
Engineering Certificate Science Competition | John Theakston |
The R.K. Boyd Prize for Accounting | Matthew Jared Chessum |
The Bankier Prize for History | Joyce Tzu-Chiao Chiu |
The CISCO Academy Prize in Computing | Paul David Jackson |
The Drama Prize | Chelsea Jo Wiggill |
The Duncan Humphrey Memorial Prize for Biology | Bede Calvert Patrick Cooney |
The Evelyn McCulloch Prize for Music | Samuel Timothy Rich |
The Kenneth Lockstone Memorial Prize for French | Rachael Jane McCormick |
The Lambie Prize for Geography | Dominic Francis O’Keeffe |
The Prize for Spatial Design | Qiuliang Li |
The R.K. Boyd Prize for Economics | Collin Yiliang Wang |
The Spanish Prize | Lucia Celeste Young |
The Sports Leadership Studies Prize | Benjamin Peter Wheeler |
The Technology - Digital Prize | Christopher Michael Wong |
The Technology - Electronics & Control Prize | Callum Lloyd Winston Warner |
The Technology - Product & Materials Prize | Samuel Mark Goldstine |
The Visual Arts Prize - Design | Robert Bowman Lewis |
The Visual Arts Prize - Photography | Frederica Helen Duncan |
The IB Diploma Prize for Business & Management | Allan Wang |
The IB Diploma Prize for English | Abigail Lauren Dodd |
The IB Diploma Prize for History | Isobel Rose Crawford |
The IB Diploma Prize for Japanese | Paul Yang Ho Park |
The IB Diploma Prize for Music | Jacob Anthony Swiatek |
The IB Diploma Prize for Spanish | Briony Kate Andrews |
The IB Diploma Prize for Visual Arts | Lu’isa Te Owai Latimer-Toetu’u |
The Robert Young & Company Senior Physical Education Cup | Matthew Robert Ellis |
The Physical Education Prize | Matthew Robert Ellis |
The Technology - Food Prize | Elizabeth Mary Hewlett |
The Senior Travel & Tourism Prize | Elizabeth Mary Hewlett |
The Dance Prize | Georgia Rae Willis |
The History of Art Prize | Georgia Rae Willis |
The IB Diploma Prize for Economics | Lorenz Bartsch |
The IB Diploma Prize for Theory of Knowledge | Lorenz Bartsch |
Cultural and Service Awards
The F W Biel Memorial Cup | William Tremlett |
Leading Pipe Band Side Drummer’s Medallion | Jack Stewart |
The Lane Trophy for Service to the Pipe Band | Andre Mason |
The Pollock Shield for School Music and The Drum Major’s Medallion | Samuel Rich |
The Millennium Debating Cup | Adena Emanuel, Kandarp Dalal, Chelsea Wiggill, Darryn Ooi |
The Senior Young Enterprise Cup | Darryn Ooi |
The College Chess Award | Byron Lam |
The Boyd Cup for Excellence in Music Performance | Manase Latu |
The Welsh Cup for Band Music | Jacob Swiatek |
The Leman Drama Cup | Jeremy Tant |
The Jack Morris Cup for Jazz Performance | Anna Garrett |
The Olney Choir Cup and The Music Drama Cup | Caleb Roa |
The Greg Lomas Memorial Special Achievement Award | Courtney Rowse |
The Philip Yolland Memorial Award for the Most Outstanding Junior Sportsman | Samuel Nock |
The Award for the Most Outstanding Junior Sportswoman. | Madeline Evans |
The Bruce Palmer Memorial Cup for the Boys Runner-up to the Dux Ludorum | William Raea |
The Girls Runner-up to the Dux Ludorum | Ghalesha Singh |
The Howell’s Trophy for the Dux Ludorum | Sam Ward |
The Hall Memorial Prize | Sophia Noble |
The Rotary Senior School Service Award | Joe Lu |
The Richard Orsborn Memorial Award | Paul Jackson |
The Michael Wagstaff Memorial Award for Academic Perseverance & Endeavour | Timothy McMaster |
The Rhys Brookbanks Memorial Award for Leadership | Calvin Sang |
The Michael Lonsdale-Cooper Memorial Cup | James Gardner |
The C.N. (Neil) Dow Award for the Chapel Prefect | Taylor Watson |
The Headmaster’s Medal for Service for the House Leader of Chalmers | Fletcher Harnish |
The MacFarlan Cup for Head Boy of Bruce House | Lorenz Bartsch |
The MacFarlan Cup for Head Girl of Bruce House | Alana Chamberlain |
The Headmaster’s Medal for Service for the House Leader of Cargill | Richard Power |
The Headmaster’s Medal for Service for the House Leader of Hamilton | Joshua Fleming |
The Headmaster’s Medal for Service for the House Leader of Wishart | Logan Selvadurai |
The Martin Wilson Bowl for Inter-House Competition | Chalmers |
The Headmaster’s Medal for Service as Deputy Head Boy | Timothy Cleaver |
The Clements Family ‘Endeavour Cup’ for Excellence in Leadership, Academics and Sports | Timothy Cleaver |
The Headmaster’s Medal for Service as Deputy Girl | Hannah Lohrentz |
The Kepa-Strang Cup for Leadership Contribution | Hannah Lohrentz |
The Bell Cup for Debating | Chelsea Wiggill |
The Old Collegian's Medal for Service as Head Girl | Chelsea Wiggill |