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Senior College

Senior College Welcomes Fellow Prefects

06 August 2018

Senior College Welcomes Fellow Prefects

August 06, 2018 at 3:47 PM

Today, our College Prefects welcomed fellow leaders from the Girls’ and Boys’ School for a shared lunch in the Elliot Hall.

College Head Girl, Laura Porteous and Head Boy, George Shirtcliffe welcomed fellow Head Prefects, Kate Thibaud from the Girls’ School and Austin McKegg from the Boys’ School, along with their prefect teams’ saying, ‘Being chosen to be a leader at Saint Kentigern comes with a great deal of responsibility. It’s character building and an incredible opportunity to have an impact on younger students and be a voice for all students. We learn valuable skills such as communication and public speaking, and most importantly team work. Leadership can be lonely sometimes, it can be tough, but you quickly learn that doing it on your own isn’t always achievable. We learn to work in teams both big and small and there is nothing better than watching our hard work and organisation come together!’

Once the ice was broken, it didn’t take long for the different age groups to relax with one another in a babble of common chatter! From teachers, to sports to shows and how things are organised at the different campuses – questions flew across the tables!

College Chapel Prefect, Serena Chen offered grace before the students shared a magnificent spread of food, all selected with huge student appeal! Following the meal, College Deputy prefects, Hannah Williams and Ben Staite organised a competitive general knowledge quiz between tables.

A friendly rivalry soon took over! Starting by testing their knowledge on ‘all things Saint Kentigern,’ questions then moved on to more contemporary subjects, all designed to encourage participation and engagement between the prefects ‘younger and older.’

To conclude the visit, our College prefects buddied up with their younger visitors to take them on a tour around the campus; their pride in ‘showing and telling’ clearly visible. The Middle College looks forward to welcoming many of these students to Year 9 in 2019!