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Senior College Academic Colours and Honours

09 February 2018

Senior College Academic Colours and Honours

February 09, 2018 at 4:44 PM

In recognition of our students who strive to achieve at the highest academic levels, Saint Kentigern College awards Academic Colours and Honours.  At the beginning of the year students are recognised for their achievement in the previous years’ assessments. 

The standard set to gain Academic Awards is high and intended to motivate our top academic students to achieve at the highest levels of excellence. The students who are awarded Colours receive a special breast pocket to wear with pride on their blazer. 



The table below shows the standards required for Colours or Honours in each of our Senior College year groups who study NCEA. 



Academic Colours

Academic Honours

Year 12

Overall GPA of 95+

Overall GPA of 90+

Year 13

Overall GPA of 90+

Overall GPA of 85+


Year 13 NCEA Academic Colours
Amy Waters, Ben Creemers, Benjamin Staite, Daniel Mar, Mackensie Cooper, Hannah Williams, Elizabeth Ellis, Ryan King, Juliet Shepherd, Ebba Olsen, Joshua Ng, Keegan Manning, Samuel Scott, Lauren Aspoas.

Year 13 NCEA Academic Honours
Hannah Blake, Victoria Caddle, Nicholas Carlier, John Chow, Christine Chu, Jackson Cleaver, Roynan Clune, Kaitlyn Dalton, Sajith Dhambagolla, Josh Ellwood, Sam Fletcher, Lok See He, Amelia Heimsath, Samuel Kemble, Rafe MacDonald, Abigail Pool, Sifei Ren, Hollie Riddell, Amy Savory, James Skinner,Claudia Spain, Kirsten Swindell, Ryan Walker.

Year 12 NCEA Academic Colours
Misaki Chen, Christopher Simonds, Isobel Merrie, Jesse Niu, Jenny Jiang, Emma King, Margaret Li, Benjamin Shepherd, Annabel Shepherd, Cindy Yi

Year 12 NCEA Academic Honours
Sophia Chiang, Steven Cho, Madison Clarke, William Feng, James Grant, John Hsieh, Charlotte Lindsay Smail, Richard Lu, Alexander MacMillan, Venice Qin, Samantha Shing, Alice Smith, Fiona Wang, Samantha Rose Watson, Ning Yen.


The table below shows the standards required for Colours or Honours in each of our Senior College year groups studying for the International Baccalaureate Diploma. 

International Baccalaureate Diploma Awards


Academic Colours

Academic Honours

Year 12

38+ points

36+ points

Year 13

38+ points

36+ points



Year 13 IB Academic Colours
Andrew Chen, Liam Scott-Russell, Akshay Mor, Yunfan Yu, George Wu, Desmond Yong 


Year 13 IB Academic Honours
Noel Argoseputro, Ericia Chang, Jonnie Danesh-Clough, Joy Han, Jason Hsiao, Callum Lee