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Boys' School

Season of Giving

08 December 2016

Season of Giving

December 08, 2016 at 2:12 PM

Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but is also a season of giving. The Boys’ School have made Christmas even more special for the families of Wymondley Road School by donating 71 hampers. Throughout the final term, the boys from every year level donated items to fill the hampers with something for everyone. The students who received the Christian Living Award from each class were given the opportunity to deliver the gifts and be a part of the special assembly at Wymondley School.

Boys’ School Principal, Mr Peter Cassie explained that our community is very much a part of their community, just as much as ‘you are a part of us.’ He said, ‘We are so proud to be associated with this great school. We will always treasure it and this is a very, very special occasion for us.’

Mr Cassie made the point that both communities wanted to make a ‘difference’. He said, ‘Giving is an amazing thing. If we can bring that bond together and share in this love and act of service, then we are doing our jobs.’

To show their appreciation, the students from Wymondley Road presented our boys, staff and parent volunteers with candy leis, which was an absolute heart-warming moment for everyone there. Giving a lei represents an endless line of love, aroha, to the person you are giving it to.

Wymondley Road School Principal, Mr Pelu Leaupepetele said since working at the school, he has been humbled by the hamper distribution and the act of kindness that is shown.

He said, ‘This is so special for us, because of the relationship we have with Saint Kentigern. The young men who do acts of kindness and service are making sure they make a positive impact on the communities they serve.’ 

Season of Giving

December 08, 2016 at 2:12 PM