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Boys' School

Schools Sing as One

26 September 2017

Schools Sing as One

September 26, 2017 at 3:44 PM

Today the Boys’ School welcomed the choir from Wellesley College, Wellington; an independent school for boys in Years 1-8. The choir is currently on tour visiting a number of schools in Auckland.

In a combined concert this morning, both the visiting choir and our own Performers’ Choir had a chance to sing before both choir came together to sing as one.

Wellesley presented a programme of both secular and popular items including Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’ – the audience encouraged to join in the chorus. They also performed their school song, ‘Take me again to the College;’ a celebration of the schools unique setting on Wellington’s waterfront.

Our own Performers’ Choir voted on which two songs to sing this morning, the most votes going to ‘Pink Panther,’ a song without words, and ‘You raise me up’ – a song made popular around the world for its inspiring message of hope and strength – with Charles Adams taking the solo spot.

The concert finished with both choirs coming together to sing ‘All day, all night’ and ‘Blessings’ written by David Hamilton.

In his closing words, Principal, Mr Peter Cassie praised the boys for their combined harmonies saying he believes choirs to be one of the hardest working ‘teams’ in any school as their practice and performance is not seasonal; it’s game on all year!

Well done to both sets of boys this morning. With their similar blue uniforms, it was hard to tell them apart on stage!