Scholars Gain Insight into Brain Function
Scholars Gain Insight into Brain Function
May 13, 2021 at 12:05 PM
As one of the many Academies offered to our students to further their learning, the Scholars Academy brings together like-minded students who excel in a wide range of school subjects to enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The aim is to enrich their understanding and be challenged to extend themselves.
Following a recent seminar with a neuroscientist from The University of Auckland, Year 13 Scholar, Danielle Mayer reported:
‘The Future Me Scholars Academy is a fantastic opportunity which provides students with a diverse curriculum for educational extension. This Academy creates an environment in which students are encouraged to question the world around them and explore new areas of discussion in a variety of activities. For example, a trip to ‘Escape Masters’ was designed to challenge our problem-solving abilities - with a touch of entertainment and hilarity as we worked! The ‘Homage’ Gallery exhibition in Newmarket, in conjunction with an art workshop, was intended to illustrate the freedoms of creativity and how it can be applied across all academic fields.
In the morning sessions, we have debated the differences between ethics, morals, and values, as well as how they are applicable to controversial issues. Recently we attended a fascinating seminar led by Auckland University neuroscientist, Dr Helen Murray, who presented the latest scientific research surrounding concussions (CTE), dementia/memory loss and COVID-19. This gave us great insight into not only the functioning of the brain, but also how teams of research scientists work together – this is just one of the many amazing moments within this programme run by Ms Biliana Kostova.’
Saint Kentigern prides itself on delivering an all-round education, encompassing academic, cultural, sporting and service opportunities, so that our graduates can succeed in whatever fields they choose. From the early years of their education, students are exposed to a wide range of people and experiences that will influence their future direction. After their parents and family, the most prominent of these influences are the students’ teachers. It is crucial that teachers are passionate about their specialist subjects and can inspire the same enthusiasm in their students - and Saint Kentigern ensures they seek the very best teachers for our students.
In a new initiative this year, Saint Kentigern is expanding the ‘world of opportunity’ available to our learners, by offering the chance to join specialist Academies taught by our own specialist teachers or outside providers. The purpose of our Academies is not ‘to accumulate more NCEA credits’ but to provide experiences and build the capacity for our young people to learn more about themselves and their interests – to learn for the sake of learning, to help expand their future horizons.
Taking place during Periods 0 and 7 (before and after school) each day, the seven Academies – Scholars’ Academy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Fashion and Design, Drama Academy, Music Academy, Dance Academy, Culinary Academy, Construction Academy and the Flying Academy – all have one objective, to help our learners find and develop their ‘Future Me’.