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Santa Comes to Preschool

12 December 2017

Santa Comes to Preschool

December 12, 2017 at 1:52 PM

There was much excitement at Preschool in anticipation of a very special seasonal guest – Santa! Before his arrival, over 50 children performed a spectacular concert on stage at the Girls’ School, in front of proud family, friends and invited guests, including Trust Board members and the Principals of the Boys’ School and Girls’ School. 

Each child had their time to shine as they sang their little hearts out with dance moves to match. You could not help but smile, seeing the joy on each and every one of their faces! The Preschoolers sang eleven different songs including ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ in English, Maori and French.  Following on from the concert, everyone went back to the Preschool for a special party lunch.              

The loud sirens of a police car saw all the children rush to the fence, squealing with delight as Santa arrived without his sleigh and made his way down the driveway. When Santa finally had a chance to sit, each child came forward for a photo and received a present. Before Santa left, he congratulated the children on their fantastic concert – he knew where to come because he could hear them singing so well!


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