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Saint Kentigern Pipers Collect Prizes

31 August 2015

Saint Kentigern Pipers Collect Prizes

August 31, 2015 at 9:08 AM

On Saturday a group of Saint Kentigern pipers from the College and Boys’ School successfully competed at the Auckland Festival of Solo Piping. This annual competition is the largest in the region and brings together the best in young and developing players.

Our students can be justifiably proud of their achievements in their first solo contest, collecting many prizes in the Novice Class after a day of competition: Matthew Clow (SKC), 1st place in the March event and 2nd place in the Slow Air; Lewis Hoggard (SKC), 3rd place in the March and Highly Commended in the Slow Air; Cameron Dean (SKBS), Highly Commended in the March.

Following in the traditions of the pibroch revival initiated in the late 1700s by the Highland Society of London, pipers to this day continue to gather to compare their highly-practised skills and promote their art in a competitive and nurturing environment. Our pipers were complimented on their excellent tone and strong technique - well-earned reward for the many months of practise and preparation. We look forward to their continued success at future events.