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Saint Kentigern Foodbank Initiative

04 September 2020

Saint Kentigern Foodbank Initiative

September 04, 2020 at 3:02 PM

For many years, each of our schools has held regular Foodbanks to collect non-perishable food items for delivery to a central distribution hub at Northern Presbyterian Foodbank, which caters for families in need. Our Saint Kentigern families have always been very generous in supporting the call for donations.

In response to the severe financial hardship experienced by many families, in particular as a result of the first Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown, the Trust Board, in discussion with the Senior Leadership teams from each school, determined that they would set aside a significant amount of money towards financial relief needs here in Auckland. Discussions ensued as to how Saint Kentigern could best meet the needs of our own local community.

In the local region, there are 12 low decile schools that are situated between our Pakuranga and two Remuera Campuses. We already have well-established relationships with many of these schools through our current service programme, as well as a number of other schools in South Auckland, and it was felt that Saint Kentigern could play a further part in helping these schools to meet the increasing needs of their communities – in particular, in relation to supplying food to families in need. 

From this, the idea of Saint Kentigern creating our own Foodbank - ‘The Shed’ - was born. It was determined from the outset that this would be a ‘holding’ facility and our staff, students and parent volunteers would donate, store, package and transport the food, but not be involved in its direct distribution to families. Saint Kentigern will provide food donations and resources to social workers, Principals, Churches and organisations such as The Breakfast Club to distribute to their families according to their own criteria. We are also exploring ways that we might partner with local Presbyterian churches.

There is a small, single room building on the Pakuranga campus that has lain empty for a number of years and with easy road access away from the central campus, this was identified as an ideal location. Following the Level 4 lockdown, College Chaplain, Reverend David Smith; Chaplain to the Schools, Reverend Reuben Hardie and College Service Coordinator, Mr Mark Robinson, along with a band of willing helpers, set about painting the inside and installing shelving racks ready for the first intake of food from the College Foodbank that week – the same week we went back into lockdown, thwarting plans!

With the return to school this week, the College was the first of our schools to hold a Foodbank and once again we were astonished at the generosity of our families. We asked families earlier in the week if they could help us fill the empty shelves and they certainly did that! 

This morning’s donations were equally split with half going to Presbyterian North and half unloaded to The Shed. A group of Year 7 College students, along with some prefects, were the first to be assigned the task of unpacking the van and loading the shelves - it was a heartening sight to see the empty shelving start to fill ready to create food parcels. 

It is hoped that in the coming weeks, we can also secure a large double-door free-standing freezer to store frozen goods and would welcome hearing from anyone in the community who can help in that regard.

When the Boys’ School, Girls’ School and Preschool hold their next food collections, their students will also have regular opportunities to visit the College to deliver their donations, help stack the shelves and prepare parcels.

This new initiative connects both with our Mission Statement ‘….to strive for excellence in all areas of life for the glory of God and the service of others,’ and the biblical imperative, ‘…I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.’ (Matthew 25.31-40). 

We would be pleased to hear from parents who would be prepared to volunteer time occasionally to help create food parcels, assist with stock management and deliver parcels to our partnering schools.

If you would like to help with ‘The Shed’ initiative please contact Natalie Stephenson

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