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Boys' School

Reward For Model Citizens

05 November 2015

Reward For Model Citizens

November 05, 2015 at 1:31 PM

The Lions Club junior citizenship code calls for young people to be:

  • Honest in word and deed
  • Friendly and helpful towards other people
  • Generous with their time and talents for the improvement of their community without thought or personal rewards
  • Courteous and well mannered
  • Respectful towards senior citizens
  • Willing to accept responsibility
  • Sympathetic towards those in distress, the weak and the needy
  • Careful with their criticism
  • Liberal with their praise
  • Determined to build up, preserve, not to destroy
  • Loyal to their city, community and country
  • Prepared to accept criticism and be willing to improve 

At a ceremony hosted by the Boys’ School last night, Saint Kentigern’s Isaac Wong and Samuel Cox, from the Boys’ School, and Girls’ School students Hannah Timo and Vivian Pettigrove were presented with Remuera Lions citizenship awards for embodying this code. All of our recipients are fully deserving of this honour as they exemplify model behaviour on a daily basis. Each of the students were presented with certificates and a badge to wear on their blazer by representatives of Remuera Lions. Well done to all of you!