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Reader and Writer Festival

23 May 2013

Reader and Writer Festival

May 23, 2013 at 2:05 PM

A select group of gifted writers from the College Middle and Senior School recently had the opportunity to attend the Auckland Writers and Readers Festival, as part of the Enhanced Learning Programme.

The students listened to a variety of writers and speakers and learned about different writing styles, genres, writer's voices and pick up techniques to help them with their own creative writing.

Amongst the speakers for the Middle School students were stand-up comedian and writer, Oliver Phommavanh, while writer Matt Elliott and cartoonist Chris Slane talked about their book Nice Day for a War, and Kate de Goldi discussed her latest work ACB with Honora Lee. To finish the day, the Senior School students heard from Tama Waipara discussing the talent you need, and the obstacles you can face while following your passion.

Overall, the students came away more aware that you have to be passionate about your creations, and continue to work hard.