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Rain or Shine, Shake the Quad Drama Students Give a Performance to Remember

04 April 2023

Rain or Shine, Shake the Quad Drama Students Give a Performance to Remember

April 04, 2023 at 2:22 PM

The annual Shake the Quad event was a smashing success, with drama students from Years 9 to 13 showcasing their talents in directing and performing scenes from Shakespeare's plays. Despite being moved inside to the Goodfellow Centre at the last minute due to inclement weather, the students rose to the occasion and delivered an unforgettable evening of entertainment.

The audience was treated to a diverse array of scenes from some of Shakespeare's most beloved plays, including Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Othello, Timon of Athens, Much Ado about Nothing, Titus Andronicus, and A Midsummer Night's Dream. From tragic to comedic, each scene was performed with passion and skill, with the audience hanging on every word.

One of the highlights of the evening was the standout performances from the actors playing Sempronius, Lucullus, and Lucius, whose comedic timing and delivery had the audience in stitches. But it wasn't just the comedic scenes that impressed – the students also demonstrated their ability to capture the emotional depth and intensity of Shakespeare's tragic works, taking the audience on quite an emotional journey.

Josh Evangelidikis, the host for the evening, kept the energy high and the audience engaged between scenes, providing context and insights into the plays being performed. The event was an excellent opportunity for drama students to showcase their talents and for the seniors to get out those last-minute jitters before the opening night of the senior school production, The Addams Family.

While the weather may not have cooperated, the student's ability to adapt and put on a fantastic show despite the last-minute venue change was a testament to their talent and dedication. The audience, which included parents, students, and teachers, all left feeling inspired and entertained by the students' performances.

Shake the Quad was a reminder of the power of live theatre and the incredible talent of our young performers. It was a night to remember, and we can't wait to see what our budding thespians have in store for us next.










Jacob Johnston

Adam Lucas,

Annabelle Olsen,

Azul Hania,

Hannah Anderson,

Morgan Alley,

Nathan Dick,

Sophie Ward.

Twelfth Night

Compilation of scenes


Matthew Ball

Ian He,

Marcus Liu,

Rio Perry,

Matthew Ball.

Romeo and Juliet

Act I, scene i


Aimee Watson

Heath Somervell,

Jess Watson,

Leo Luo,

Lincoln Jones,

Micah Chen,

Rose Zakeri,

Thomas Findlay,

Violet Taylor

The Tempest

Compilation of scenes


Emma Wang and Olivia Hallett

Olivia Hallett, Emma Wang


Act V, scene ii


Jay Gao

Caleb Bisley,

Chloe Miller,

Harry McNamara,

Henry Lang

Jaime Chandler,

Jay Gao,

Keeley Berkovits,

Natan Chadzynski,

Nathan Dick,

Oliver Shaw,

Toby McLean, Jake Newbould.

Timon of Athens

Compilation of scenes


Keith Wiltshire

Annabel Chew,

Luka Purchase,

Rebecca Milne,

Yolanda Zou

Romeo and Juliet

Act I sc v


Olivia Hallett and Emma Wang

Vesa Zajmi,

Sophie Lochead,

Matthew Morelli,

Emma Liu,

Byron Durey

Much Ado about nothing

Act I sc i


Oliver Evans

Aimee Watson

Alex Cole

Cara-Jane Rewcastle

Gabby McDonald

Jess Watson

Mackenzie Alley

Olivia Ellis

Xarya Knox

Titus Andronicus

Act V Scenes ii & iii


Lucy Street

Carter Stokes, Francesca Price, Gem Williams, Lucy Street

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Act I sc ii


Olivia Ellis

Ian He

Isobel Jacobs

Jarvis Cowper

Milly Macleod

Tim Bacchus

Twelfth Night

Act I Sc v


Jamie Sneddon

Oliver Evans, Alex Frewin, Claire Sneddon, Jay Sneddon, Leona Yao

Romeo and Juliet

Act III sc v