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Preschool Turns Five Years Old!

16 March 2016

Preschool Turns Five Years Old!

March 16, 2016 at 10:52 AM

Cake, sausage sizzle, ice cream, candy floss, bouncy castle – all the ingredients were there for a perfect 5 year old party out on the lawn; the one ingredient we could have done without was the rain but even that didn’t really put a damper on this special occasion!

It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since the Preschool first opened its doors for business in February 2011, extending the Saint Kentigern journey from age 3 to 18. It was a proud moment for all concerned when our foundation preschoolers donned their Saint Kentigern uniform for the first time and stepped over the threshold of the new purpose-built facility on the Girls’ School campus.

Time spent in quality preschool education is important to a child’s learning and is well evidenced when a child transitions to school; it was a natural progression for Saint Kentigern to offer families the opportunity for an early childhood education.

Now five years on, the Preschool is thriving under the leadership of Director, Mrs Sue Nash. Registered for a daily maximum of 50 children, the roll is full with many families keen to secure a place for their three and four year olds.

When planning a celebration, like a special party for a 5 year old, every last detail can be accounted for – except the weather! A beautiful cake was baked and decorated by parent, Mrs Anna Perry and just to be sure, a trial blow out of the candles took place inside with preschoolers and foundation pupils, Chloe McGregor and Matthew Phipps, who are now in Year 5 at the Girls’ and Boys’ Schools. That was the one and only time the candles were blown out as a steady drizzle dampened any later attempts!

Rain notwithstanding, the sausage sizzle got underway, the candy floss machine was put into action, ice creams were served and the face paint went on and parents set up their picnic blankets – all under umbrellas!

Prior to cutting and serving the cake, Mrs Nash gathered the preschoolers to sing Happy Birthday before speaking to her guests comprising preschool families, staff, Principals of the Schools, Mr Peter Cassie and Ms Juliet Small, and Trust Board members. She stressed the strength of an education that starts at Preschool, along with the importance of a strong relationship with the Schools to ensure a smooth transition for the students when they turn five.

Mrs Nash finished by saying, ‘I would like to express my thanks to the Saint Kentigern Trust Board for having the vision to open a Preschool of this calibre – for your belief in giving me the opportunity to lead this venture, for having the trust to know that we would find the best, most passionate teaching team. We all know how important the first five years of a child’s life are.  We are fortunate to have such a special place where we are able to develop inquisitive learners who are well-prepared to transition to school.’

The cake was then cut. Not only did it look good but it tasted great too! Our sincere thanks to Mrs Perry for preparing this special treat! 


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